
Phoenix Web Design – 5 More Words That Will Help You Gain Your Customers’ Trust

German words on paper.

German words on paper.

If you’ve read the previous post, you’ve already read the 6 words that will help you gain the trust of your web visitors. This time around, I will give you 5 more words. Are you ready? Read all about them below:

  • Imagine.
  • When you ask your customers to conjure a mental image, they use their imagination. In these stories, they are the main protagonist. Thus, “imagine” will help you in letting your customers think they need a product or service in their life.
  • They will imagine themselves in a better state using your products. As a salesperson, when they have imagined something, you just need to give them one last nudge, and definitely, they will click that “buy now” right away.
  • Senses.
  • You don’t need to use the word “senses,” but you need to use verbs on sensory experience.
  • Some examples include: see, watch, sound, hear, and many more.
    • For instance, you say something like…
    • Want to see how our state-of-the-art product works? Watch a live a demo here.
    • The words “see” and “watch” awakens people’s senses. You will be able to immediately get their attention.
    • So, use sensory language as a way to tap on people’s auditory and visual sensation.
  • Name.
  • Calling your customers by their name will make them feel special. When someone calls you by your name, they have your attention. You immediately stop what you are doing, and check who called you.
  • Same is true for email messages. You wouldn’t read a generic sales email. However, if you see your name on the subject line, you will stop and read what it’s about. Don’t hesitate to call your customers by their given name because they will pay attention better with whatever product or service you are offering them.
  • Power Words.
  • The English language is brimming with a plethora of words that evoke strong feelings of encouragement, fear, joy, and safety. Know how to use these “big” words at the perfect moment. Here a few power words you can add to your page titles, blog posts, and banners:
    • Phenomenal
    • Terrific
    • Breathtaking
    • Awesome
    • Best-selling
    • Authentic
    • World-class
    • Thorough
    • Secure
    • Unbeatable
  • Because.
  • Ellen Langer, a professor of psychology at Harvard, shared her research study regarding the word “because.”
  • She asked a group of people if it would be okay for them when somebody decides to cut a long line. Here are the sentences she used when she requested to break in line:
    1. Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the xerox machine?
    2. Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the xerox machine, because I have to make copies?
    3. Excuse me, I have 5 pages. May I use the xerox machine, because I’m in a rush?
  • The results concluded that how you write/say your request really affects how people would respond. When she did not give a reason, only 60% people agreed. However, when she stated that a specific reason (see sentence 2 & 3), more than 90% of the people allowed her to cut the line.
  • What’s the moral of the story? You should always include a reason behind your action.
  • So, don’t ask your customers to fill out a survey without explaining why you want such information. Tell them the purpose of their given input.


Phoenix Web Design – Words That Can Help You Gain Your Customers’ Trust

Without words, you won’t be able to your audience to check out your website. Words are your weapon. These words will help you convince web visitors to convert into customers. So, your word choices are important in writing product descriptions, creating blog posts, and composing marketing emails. Below are the 6 important words that will help you gain people’s trust.

  • You

  • Write in the second person POV. Always assume that you are directly talking to them. One way of doing that is using the word, you.
    • For example, The shirt suits you because it is comfortable and is built for everyday use.
  • For the most part, you are selling to your customers. Talk more about the benefits of your products, and not about your company. Every time you see yourself from talking from your perspective, always go back and try to find a way to rephrase it to the viewpoint of your customers.
  • Do

  • Instead of using the word “try”, go for “do.”  For instance, “try to change the settings by…” say, “to change the settings, do this and do that…” This makes you more skilled and authoritative. Thus, your readers will have confidence following your instructions.
  • And

  • When you use the word “but,” it implies a negative connotation. The word “and” is a solution for you when you are dealing with unfavorable comments or contradictions.
  • The word “but” signals that you are about to say an antagonistic statement. “And” is an all-embracing word that makes you seem to agree even though you are at odds.
    • Take a look at these 2 examples:
    • “We stayed at home, but we just watched The Wizard of Oz.”
    • “We stayed at home, and we watched The Wizard of Oz.”
    • The second sentence seems like they enjoyed the 1939 movie, while the first sentence says otherwise. It’s as if they weren’t excited that they were watching a classic movie. Word choices really make a difference.
Assorted Quotes Hanged on Wall

The words that motivate you.

  • Or

  • Don’t ask your customers if they would like to buy your product. Instead, give them a wide array of choices. If you only present one single option, their only choice is either to accept or to reject. However, if you provide them multiple options, you have increased your chances of receiving a yes from your customers.
  • So, don’t just tell them to check out your products. Instead, tell them that you offer it in different colors and size. Would they like it in red, blue, or yellow?
  • Should we … ?

  • Ask your readers. You don’t have to constantly tell them that “you should check this” or “you should do that.” It seems that it’s very bossy and pompous of you. Rephrasing propositions as interrogative questions encourages the customers to be open-minded. It extinguishes the idea for the conversation to go awry.
  • Support

  • According to Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson’s The Challenger Sale, sales representatives should express agreement and work as one to show “support” or “unity.” This could have an influence on your buyer’s mindset. It enhances your customers’ purchase experience because they are sure that there’s an entire team ready to help whenever they encounter trouble. It strengthens customer relationship and brand loyalty.

How to Create a Remarkable Blog

Creating a blog is easy because you have a multitude of blog hosting sites out there. However, creating a successful blog is not. When someone asked me for tips, I told her to know the scope of her blog first. Luckily for you, I finally decided to make a guide to help you start your new blog.

I will not discuss how to structure your blog post because it’s here. In this post, I will guide you in making decisions for your new blog. Here are the different factors you need to consider before you hit the publish button:

  • evergreen articles vs. news articles

  • Ask yourself first, “Should I blog about evergreen articles or shall I pick news articles?” Let’s differentiate the two type of articles first.
  • Evergreen blog posts are the kind of content that NEVER get out of style. It continue to be relevant in the coming years. In short, it will never become obsolete. For example, ‘How to Create an Extraordinary Blog?’ This article will forever offer a helping hand to whoever needs a guide.
  • Meanwhile, news articles are the exact opposite of evergreen. They are timely and they need to be constantly updated.  A perfect example would be “The Highlights of the London 2012 Summer Olympics.”
  • Either way, it’s all just a matter of preference. Whether you choose evergreen over news, it’s really up to you. There is no right or wrong way of blogging. However, personally, I prefer evergreen content because it is timeless.  It will forever cater to an audience.
  • Writing news articles is quite tricky. The blog post will become irrelevant the moment the topic  becomes unimportant. The benefit, however, is gain huge amounts of web traffic in short period of time.
  • In the example I gave, London Olympics will surely gain views over a blogging guide. However, we are not in 2012 anymore so the post about the London Olympics is considered insignificant and it will not invite potential web viewers in the future.
Analyzing the kind of blog you want.

It’s important to analyze the kind of blog you want.

  • blog frequency

  • The answer to the question, “How often should I post new articles?” is subjective. Blogging frequency is also a matter of preference honestly. It continues to be one of the commonly discussed topics online, and there seems to be no definite answer. Like in the first item, there is no right or wrong answer here.
  • Personally, I choose quality over quantity. Before I post a new blog, I make it a point that my readers will learn something important.  I believe content makers also stand by this principle. It is better to post one remarkable article than having 10 mediocre articles.
  • However, if you choose to run a news-based blog, you have to constantly blog. For example, in the London Olympics article, you can write more about the topic. You can give a comprehensive up-to-the-minute update by posting, “The Spectacular London Olympics Opening,” “The Official List of Winners during the London Olympics,” and so on. The moment it’s over, all the related articles are of no use.
  • One article a week is a pretty good strategy. If you feel like you do more, then, go ahead. Just don’t overwork yourself because taking a blog break is not recommended. You always have to put something out there in order to grow. So, it’s better to take it one step at a time. Once you find your own pace, create a blog schedule, and work around it.
  • At the end of the day, it’s important to always stay engaged and it’s not really about the number of articles you publish. Keep it steady!

Blogging 101: How to Construct Your Blog Post

Writing blog posts may seem easy until you have to try it yourself. Over time, blogging eventually becomes easy. With enough practice, you will find blogging simple as ABC. Unfortunately, there are moments that you’ll experience writer’s block. Words wouldn’t flow smoothly as you would expect them to be. If blogging is a difficult task for you, I’ll help you by listing blogging tips on how to construct your blog post.


blogging tips for beginners.

  • Your blog post structure is important.

    • You should follow a certain structure. Don’t just babble about a  topic or story. Ideally, your blog post should start with the introduction, followed by the body, and the conclusion.

    • The introduction should give your readers an idea on what to expect upon reading your blog post. Will you provide a list of useful tips? Will you provide a concrete solution to a problem? Do you need to address a controversial issue? A good blog post should be able to answer any of those questions.
    • Aside from that, you should state the reason why you chose the topic or why you think it is an important to discuss. Give them a good enough reason to stay and read your post. Provide a brief summary on what this particular blog post will be about.
    • BODY

    • This is the second part of your blog post. You should focus on discussing the main purpose on why chose to write this post. Provide detailed tips on how to help your readers. Moreover, give them a how-to guide on doing things.
    • The body should provide the solution you promised during the intro. Be useful to your readers and give them something productive. If your post covers different areas, list your main points.
    • Use bullets and numbers so that your readers can easily follow the progress of your post. Review each step and eliminate unnecessary sentences to avoid confusion. Keep your sentences short and concise as to not bore your readers.
    • If you are out of ideas, imagine you are talking to a friend. Anticipate their questions and visualize what they want to know. You are not obliged to write 1000 words to obtain that quintessential post. Usually, 300 to 500 words is enough.
    • Lastly, if you feel like you have too many things to say, you can split the ideas into different blog posts. So, you will have ample time to explain your key points in detail.

    • This is where you wrap-up your blog post. Emphasize your main ideas and stress other important details. End your blog post by providing a summary of the solution you presented. Be sure the problems listed in the introduction are given concrete answers.
    • Finally, add a call-to-action button or link your readers to another useful post. As much as possible, end the blog post on a positive note and encourage a friendly discussion.

An impressive post does not just happen in a snap. Don’t get discouraged if words don’t flow easily because even the top bloggers experience road blocks.  It important to plan ahead and research on your topic. Write an outline of what you plan to cover and what each division will contain.  Without a doubt, blogging helps in boosting your online presence. Learn more about the other ways to promote your website here.

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