How to Create a Remarkable Blog

Creating a blog is easy because you have a multitude of blog hosting sites out there. However, creating a successful blog is not. When someone asked me for tips, I told her to know the scope of her blog first. Luckily for you, I finally decided to make a guide to help you start your new blog.

I will not discuss how to structure your blog post because it’s here. In this post, I will guide you in making decisions for your new blog. Here are the different factors you need to consider before you hit the publish button:

  • evergreen articles vs. news articles

  • Ask yourself first, “Should I blog about evergreen articles or shall I pick news articles?” Let’s differentiate the two type of articles first.
  • Evergreen blog posts are the kind of content that NEVER get out of style. It continue to be relevant in the coming years. In short, it will never become obsolete. For example, ‘How to Create an Extraordinary Blog?’ This article will forever offer a helping hand to whoever needs a guide.
  • Meanwhile, news articles are the exact opposite of evergreen. They are timely and they need to be constantly updated.  A perfect example would be “The Highlights of the London 2012 Summer Olympics.”
  • Either way, it’s all just a matter of preference. Whether you choose evergreen over news, it’s really up to you. There is no right or wrong way of blogging. However, personally, I prefer evergreen content because it is timeless.  It will forever cater to an audience.
  • Writing news articles is quite tricky. The blog post will become irrelevant the moment the topic  becomes unimportant. The benefit, however, is gain huge amounts of web traffic in short period of time.
  • In the example I gave, London Olympics will surely gain views over a blogging guide. However, we are not in 2012 anymore so the post about the London Olympics is considered insignificant and it will not invite potential web viewers in the future.
Analyzing the kind of blog you want.

It’s important to analyze the kind of blog you want.

  • blog frequency

  • The answer to the question, “How often should I post new articles?” is subjective. Blogging frequency is also a matter of preference honestly. It continues to be one of the commonly discussed topics online, and there seems to be no definite answer. Like in the first item, there is no right or wrong answer here.
  • Personally, I choose quality over quantity. Before I post a new blog, I make it a point that my readers will learn something important.  I believe content makers also stand by this principle. It is better to post one remarkable article than having 10 mediocre articles.
  • However, if you choose to run a news-based blog, you have to constantly blog. For example, in the London Olympics article, you can write more about the topic. You can give a comprehensive up-to-the-minute update by posting, “The Spectacular London Olympics Opening,” “The Official List of Winners during the London Olympics,” and so on. The moment it’s over, all the related articles are of no use.
  • One article a week is a pretty good strategy. If you feel like you do more, then, go ahead. Just don’t overwork yourself because taking a blog break is not recommended. You always have to put something out there in order to grow. So, it’s better to take it one step at a time. Once you find your own pace, create a blog schedule, and work around it.
  • At the end of the day, it’s important to always stay engaged and it’s not really about the number of articles you publish. Keep it steady!

Psychological Tricks You Can Use On Your Website (Part 3)

So, we have reached the last part of the different psychological tricks you can apply on your online business. If you want to review on the previous two blog posts, you can click here to go to the 1st part, or visit this link to read the 2nd part.

These concepts are not my own and this is inspired by the book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Without further adieu,  below are the last 3 psychological tricks you can apply on your website to generate more traffic and gain more customers:

  • Price

  • Nowadays, it’s tough to convince potential buyers. They don’t purchase an item just because it’s the cheapest.  Now, customers after their money’s worth. They look for the best deal available online before deciding where to buy.
  • The classic example of using the “$19.99” tag is a very effective pricing strategy.  This tactic convinces buyers that an item is only $19 even though it’s practically $20. It manipulates customers that they are saving a lot, but the truth is that there’s not much price difference to be honest.
Price tag barcode

reading the price tag.

  • Right Timing

  • Amazon is able to perfect this strategy. For example, when you add a book to your cart, Amazon gives you other book recommendations. Once you are ready to check out, it will inform you that customers who purchased the book also bought these items.
  • Similarly, if you are selling action cameras, why not offer a extended warranty plan when they reviewing their cart. Perhaps, you can also offer camera accessories or micro SD cards for video storage.
  • Do not offer these extras if they are still pondering on what digital camera to buy. Some cameras are compact while some have waterproof features. It’s totally unnecessary to overwhelm customers with accessories at this point.
  • Once they have purchased an item, you can send a “thank you” email and include a list of compatible accessories for their chosen device.
  • Colors

  • Online shopping is mastering the art of persuasion and one way to persuade people is through the psychology of colors. Just by the appearance or color of your website’s CTA buttons, it could help you increase conversion rates. Thus, it could lead to more sales.
  • Color remains to be the strongest visual hint for online shoppers. In a one survey, 93% of consumers considered to buy an item because of its appearance alone. The remaining 7% is because of the item’s texture and smell.
  • Additionally, 85% of consumers admitted that they purchased a product because of its color. It’s no doubt that color influences brand recognition. Other factors aside from color, include: design, convenience, and the power of words.
  • To give you a more concrete example, the color red and orange can uplift your website and give a hint of electrifying and energetic vibe. Blue is a good color for weight loss. So, if you are selling food, avoid the color blue. Did you notice that the leading fast-food chains are never use blue? They’re usually red, orange, or yellow.
  • Blue, however, calms the mind and encourages trust. So, it’s ideal for services like banks, high tech products, and more. If you want to know more about colors, you can learn more about it here. If you need color scheme tools, this post will help you. Lastly, if you need tips in choosing the right color scheme, this article is for you!

There you have it! That wraps up the blog posts about the different psychological tricks. So, what have we learned? Understanding your customers is crucial in creating a persuasive website and compelling UX experience. Apply these tips when designing a new web page or when you are devising a new marketing plan.

Psychological Tricks You Can Use On Your Website (Part 2)

Welcome to the 2nd part of the series. If you have missed the first batch, you can catch up here. I will still discuss how psychology helps in promoting your website. The concepts discussed on this post can found in a book called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.

Knowing what encourages web visitors to click CTA buttons will help you design a website that fosters a persuasive user experience. In the end, these strategies will benefit both your business and your customers. Here are 3 ways to help you gain more web visitors:

  • Personalize

  • Customers tend to mistrust companies that are clearly after sales and profits. With that being said, do not focus too much on the business side of things. Connect with your audience and interact with them.
  • Nurture trusting relationships by genuinely caring for your audience. When they see how much you care, they will trust you. You are not some faceless website, but you are now a dear friend.
  • Before you blurt out words and send out emails, ask yourself first, “Is this something I would say in real life?” Read your blog posts, email messages, and status updates. Check if it sounds too scripted. If you can’t imagine saying it to another person, then, don’t include it.
  • Stop following a certain structure because this is you and you have your own personality. Frankly, you don’t have to follow or imitate a website just because they are popular. You have to show the unique you and don’t think too much about what others might say.
  • Remember the famous Latin proverb, “Fortune favors the bold.When you restrict yourself and follow a generic path, it will never work. The cookie-cutter messages are boring and unconvincing. Add your personal touch by including actual expressions. Tailoring online posts and website content make you sound more human.
  • Who doesn’t like special treatment? So, add their names once you want to send a marketing email instead of writing a generic “Hello,” or “Good day!” Experiment with your available resources and you really don’t have to speak formally at all times. Showing your own charm and sassiness makes you less robotic.
Friends posing for a photo

Choose to be a caring friend and not some faceless business entity.

  • Authority

  • If a famous celebrity or renowned expert leaves a positive review, feature it on your website. Businesses nowadays share reviews of people, whether celebrity or not, on social media.  These reviews on Facebook or Twitter are effective because they are shared by actual people. To be honest, no amount of well-crafted sales talk can compare.
  • Never underestimate the power of a positive review. These seemingly unimportant people are actually important. The reviews help the undecided to give your products a try, and to trust the quality of what you are selling.
  • So, highlight those enthusiastic and ecstatic reviews and reply by saying thanks because it reflects your success and boosts your trustworthiness.
  • Limited-Time Offers

  • When a certain product is only available for a short period of time, people tend to rave about it. The demand increases because in people’s minds, they feel that they should not miss out on this exclusive offer.
  • It’s an effective marketing strategy because people are afraid of missing out of what others are doing. There’s always a desire to be updated and be in the know with all these rewarding deals online.
  • Thus, web visitors will always take action if they know that a sale ends in 72 hours. There’s a sense of urgency that will surely encourage them to participate.

Psychological Tricks You Can Use On Your Website (Part 1)

In this article, I will discuss how psychology affects consumer behavior. Marketing and psychology go hand in hand in promoting an online business. The concepts discussed on this post are inspired by Robert B. Cialdini‘s book entitled, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.

You can understand more competently the concepts of a successful business strategy or the makings of a lucrative marketing campaign by studying consumer behavior. Thus, how you design your website can greatly influence more conversion and increase web traffic.

This will be a 3-part series of blog posts. Below are the first 3 ways to entice your website visitors and increase conversion:

  • Barter

  • The first step is to get their email addresses in exchange for FREE items. Once you obtain their email add, you can now introduce them your products. Market your products in subtly and offer them freebies like an FREE ebook or an 20-day premium to your softwares.
  • In this way, these potential customers will feel obliged to listen to you because you gave them a free item. Now, they will more likely read your emails and view your blog posts. When the time comes they will finally your product and buy it,  they will ultimately choose you more than any website out there, who never really gave them freebies.
  • The concept of reciprocity is the perfect example of Newton’s third law of motion. For every action you give to your audience, there’s always an equal or opposite reaction from them. You website will get more visitors once you give something first.
  • This system of barter has been proven to generate positive results. Anywhere on the internet, you are always asked for your email before you can access a website. You need to sign up first to fully access shopping websites like Amazon, Ebay, Etsy, and Walmart.
  • Web visitors will always ask the question, “What will I get from this?” If you selling a product, try offering a FREE shipping voucher. If you are selling VPN tools, consider educating people about virtual private networks.
Buying fruits in exchange of money

A typical example of barter: exchanging money for certain goods.

  • Commitment

  • One way to strengthen brand loyalty is to create a sense of commitment or pledge. If people follow your website, or if they follow you on social media, they insert themselves in your world. They have now publicly showed their support.
  • They can now easily know what you’re doing and keep up with the latest updates. Humans are known to oblige. So, once you give them exclusive offers for following you, they will also remain consistent to your brand.  They will promote and defend your product.
  • Influence

  • This is related to the 2nd item. One follower can indirectly recommend your products to their friends. You are more likely to have another website follower if you inform them that their friend is also registered on this website.
  • One notable website that uses this strategy is Facebook. The different product pages on Facebook are promoted in such a way that you are told that your friend likes this page. Perhaps, you may wish to give it a “like” too!
  • Influence is a used by, not only Facebook, but also different social media websites. These websites know the power of peer pressure and they know that it’s hard to say no to a friend’s recommendation. We have to admit that when a friend raves about a product on social media, it is notably convincing.

How to Prepare Your Retail Site for the Christmas Holidays

It’s hard to believe that 2018 is almost over. The holiday rush is among us and we are going big on gifts, parties, and more. For online retailers,  it’s the perfect time to redesign websites with holiday-themed banners. Holiday specials and promotions are everywhere and every business out there is doing the same plan of action. In order to get your business noticed, here are 3 tips for websites this joyous holiday season.

Assorted Christmas Tags

Are your websites ready for Christmas shopping?

  • Tip #1: Start Planning Early.

    • October is the ideal time to start the drafting the holiday game plan. Whatever your business may be, it’s important to prepare early. Holiday campaigns need time to disseminate. Even with the help of the internet, sharing pertinent information takes time. Aside from that, people need time to earn enough money, share the news on social media, and tell their friends.
    • Plus, if you don’t start early, other businesses have already started with their own promotions, and sitewide sales. You’ll be left with only a few potential customers. It’s important to reach out to your target customers before the other websites do.
    • Online retailers should notify about their sales a week or two in advance. They should start spreading information about it in the different social media platforms. Big events such as Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Christmas should begin marketing 3 to 4 weeks earlier. You can’t expect tons of customers to visit your online store if you just promoted your sale a few days before.
  • Tip #2: Use Custom Images to Advertise Sales.

    • Since it’s the holidays, incorporate Christmas trees, reindeers, and snowflakes to your marketing ads. Text promotions look bland without adding relevant images. Each time you have a special sale make it a point to add timely and vivid photos with your ad.
    • There should be a certain template that you should follow. The individual ads, the holiday website banner, and the social media photos should be uniform. All the marketing materials should contain a watermark of your logo, links to your official social media accounts, and of course, the website.
    • Some  businesses even add a unique hashtag to add a personal touch to the current promotion. So, people online can easily identify the products and services that are currently on sale.
  • Tip #3: Spread the Word Through Giveaways.

    • It’s the holidays so naturally, people are going to purchase and hoard different items. Sometimes, you don’t need to stress about marketing and convincing others to visit your site. You let your customers do the marketing for you. By doing giveaways on social media, people can just easily share your current promotions.
    • Whether your audience is on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, you are can do a “like and share” giveaway.  Anyone interested can just repost your status update on your social media accounts. You might be giving out a handful of freebies to lucky participants, but then, the ripple effect of your social media promotion remains unparalleled.
    • Another piece of advice: it does not have to be a social media giveaway at all times. You can just even offer FREE gift to any customers who spend a minimum amount on your website. Remember that during these times, every business is thinking of a unique marketing strategy.  If everyone is doing a 10% off, why not make yours 15%? When every business is offering the same promotion, it’s not much of sale anymore.

Why Free Shipping Matters and How You Can Offer It On Your Website

It’s NO secret that a FREE SHIPPING offer helps greatly in converting website viewers to customers. According to Comscore’s webinar on February 11, 2010, the resource speaker Gian Fulgoni mentioned that 75% of the online shoppers asked answered that they would switch to another online retailer if shipping was not free during the checkout process.

In a 2008 survey conducted by Forrester Research, online retailers noticed that their web department became larger by 18%. However, 40% of the customers surveyed expressed that they were shocked at the shipping costs. Thus, carts were abandoned upon checkout. Sadly, many orders did not push through.

Two Brown Boxes

The Many Ways to Offer FREE Shipping

The Free Shipping Tactic

In order to generate more sales, several online retailers decided to add FREE SHIPPING as one of their selling strategies. Rather than shopping at Amazon, where shipping rates are calculated per item, customers now prefer websites like Wordery and Book Depository. These businesses make use of the “free worldwide shipping” marketing. How can people say NO to that?

The trend continues to increase and many businesses follow the same suite. There are a variety of ways to offer the FREE SHIPPING strategy:

  • Free Shipping Will Be Available Once You Reach the Minimum.

    • Amazon may not offer free worldwide shipping. However, they utilize this shipping strategy. They only provide free shipping for orders above a certain amount. When you order over $25, you are entitled to a free shipping option upon checkout. The package will be delivered to any U.S. state within 5-8 business days.
  • Flat-Rate Shipping Strategy.

    • Another popular marketing strategy is the flat-rate shipping. This option is cheaper than weight-based shipping especially if the items are quite heavy. The United States Postal Service offers a Priority Mail program to any U.S. destination. With its flat-rate shipping option, the shipping cost is uniform for all packages as long as it is not beyond the 70 lbs. maximum weight.
  • Free Shipping Only Applies to Selected Products.

    • Offering free shipping when you are selling a bundle is ideal. It encourages customers to try out the product bundle. Instead of just buying a piece, you are enticing them to get a bundle + FREE SHIPPING. For example, you can offer a jewelry set that includes a necklace, a pair of earrings, and a bracelet. Group products that complement each other and offer them as a bundle to take advantage of the FREE SHIPPING offer.
  • Limited-Time Offers During the Holidays.

    • Limited-time offers are effective marketing tools in order to cross-sell other items. It’s a terrific way to subtly tell customers to check out other products. Amazon is great at putting together related items. They will show you their “customers who bought this item also bought” list. So, you will end up adding more items to your cart in order to stock up for the holidays.
    • This is also an effective strategy to sell the remainder stocks in your inventory. It’s the perfect move to remind people that this is their last chance to buy multiple quantities. For example, you can offer a buy 5, get 1 promotion.

In conclusion, there are many faces to the FREE SHIPPING marketing strategy. These are only some of the popular options. If you want to know more on Amazon marketing strategies, I’ve posted about it here. In designing a website, it’s also important to take note of these consumer behaviors. You need to study how marketing strategies like FREE SHIPPING affect eCommerce and how it can help your improve your online store.

3 Web Design Tips from Amazon (Part 3)

This will be last of the 3-part series. For the first part, we’ve discussed Amazon’s color choices, their ability to create a huge demand for their products, and being able to group related products together. For the second part, there’s Amazon’s rating system and their free shipping deal for orders over $25. Now, here’s the last 3 tips you can learn from Amazon.

  • Tip #1: Build an exclusive club.

    • The rating system is effective in creating trust. Customers from all over the world converge and give out their honest opinions on the different products. These established relationships lead to more engagements.
    • These people won’t mind spending a few extra bucks for a special subscription like the Amazon Prime program. With $12.99 a month, customers have an exclusive FREE Two-Day shipping and FREE Same-Day Delivery. Plus, they have unlimited access to songs, books, and photo storage.
    • The customers are in it for the exclusive promos and discounts. It is Amazon’s way of strengthening customer ties and proving to the world they can do more.
    • So, how can you do this? You have to listen to customers and what they want. Offer solutions to their problems. Find out how you can help them. Your answer does not always have to be a product. It can also be through publishing high quality content.
Five People Shopping

A group of frequent shoppers.

  • Tip #2: Consistency is key.

    • If I were to describe the world’s top brands in one word, it would be: consistent. These brands don’t just focus on the months ahead. They aim for the future.
    • A brand is more than its logo. You are your brand. You are the best representation of it. You have to  consistent in showcasing what you want. If you are fickle, you won’t be able to establish trust among your customers. From time to time, you change your message. It confuses everyone and derails you achieving something concrete.
    • In order to convince people and eventually boosts sales, you first need to be sure on what you want, your aspirations, and your goals. Look at Amazon… they have been consistently offering free 5-day shipping if your total is more than $25. Amazon Prime members can take advantage on the unlimited free 2-day shipping.
    • Another famous example is Coca-Cola. The carbonated drink has displayed its supremacy in the soft drinks market. In 2015, Coca-Cola was hailed as one of the best global brands, next to the tech giants Apple and Google.
    • The company logo has been consistently red. It didn’t dare to reinvent itself because red works perfectly fine. The color red exudes boldness and excitement. The bottom line is that there’s no certain rule to follow here, but there are some guidelines that may help you.
  • Tip #3:  “Add to Cart” Buttons.

    • A conversion optimization agency named Proimpact7 studied the usability of different sites and the results indicated that having a call-to-action (CTA) button that had a “buy now” or “purchase now” are NOT quite effective.
    • The conversion rates of these buttons went down by 14.50%. So, if you are setting up your online store, stay away from the “buy now” or “purchase now” buttons.
    • Follow Amazon’s way of just sticking to the “add to cart” button. Not a single “buy now” button is visible in the entire website. The “add to cart” button is a more safer choice for you because customers are sure that they are NOT paying for the items yet.
    • So, they just click and click because they know that sales are not final yet and that shipping cost will still be added later on. The “add to cart” button is a great addition to your website because it is a subtle yet effective CTA button.

Phoenix SEO: Understanding canonical URLs

As your website gets larger, it can be difficult for you not to create duplicate or near-duplicate pages. The problem is that duplicate pages can cause a lot of content issues and ranking problems. If two pages look the same and are trying to rank for the same keyword, then Google won’t know which page to rank. The good thing is that there is an easy way to solve this—if you know how. The solution is to use a canonical URL.

How does a canonical URL work?

A canonical URL tells Google which page to use when it is ranking your website. Let’s say you have two different but very similar product pages with ever so slightly different URLs. The pages may show mostly the same products but they may come under different categories. Without you telling Google which page is the original or the most important one to rank, Google may choose the wrong one, rank both or not rank any of them. By placing a canonical URL on one of the pages that points back to the other, you can tell Google to ignore the page it is on and follow the canonical URL for the page that you want to rank.

Crucially, end users will not see your canonical URL. The canonical URL is hidden in the code of your webpage and is only seen by Google and other search engines. That means that your page isn’t redirected to the other page. Only Google can see the other page that you want to rank instead of the page that the user is on.

How to use a canonical URL

If you’ve found two very similar pages that have different URLs, you’ll need to access the page’s code to add the URL. Choose which page you want to use as the main page and then access the code of the other page. Note, if you are using WordPress, there are plugins that can add canonical URLs to your site without you having to access the page’s code. If you are adding it yourself, you’ll want to use the following code in the <head> section of your page:

<link rel=“canonical” href=”ENTER MAIN URL”>
When to use canonical and when to redirect

It can be confusing whether to do a canonical URL or a 301 redirect. If you aren’t sure, you should almost always use a 301 redirect. It is unlikely that you will go far wrong by doing so. However, if you really aren’t sure then you should consult an SEO professional before doing anything that could damage your website’s SEO.

We can help you understand the difference between canonical URLs and 201 redirects and use a site audit to advise where you should add redirects and canonical URLs. Naturally, we can also carry out all the work for you so you don’t have to mess with your site’s code. Get in touch for more information.

Phoenix SEO: The Importance of Intent

SEO is constantly changing. As technology evolves and algorithms update, tactics and strategies need to change with them. It is one of the main reasons you should consider hiring an SEO agency if you are serious about getting better rankings.

One of the biggest changes in recent years has been the way in which search engines view the intent of searchers. As search engines become more advanced, they are becoming a heck of a lot better at understanding exactly what users are trying to get out of their searches — whether that is buying a product, learning more about a subject or finding a simple answer to their question. It’s such a big change, and such an important one, that it is important business owners understand intent so that they can optimize their search strategy with it in mind.

What is searcher intent?

Searcher intent is the why behind the search phrase that is being used. It is the outcome that they are hoping to achieve. For most searchers, this will be informational, commercial or transactional. If you can categorize your keywords into these three categories, it can help you to understand which pages should be appearing for each keyword.

Informational intent is people seeking answers to a question or a topic. These are the most common and will typically have the highest volume.

Transactional intent is when the searcher is looking to make a purchase. They know what they want to buy and they are looking for a place to buy it from. In some cases, they may even know who they want to buy it from, too.

Commercial intent is a hybrid of transactional and informational. The searcher is thinking about making a purchase but wants more information around a product or service before committing. Think of it as the consumer research phase.

Optimizing for intent

Now that you have categorized your keywords into different searcher intents, it is time to start optimizing your pages for those intents. This should start by analyzing the current result pages in Google for these terms. What are the pages that are showing up highest? Are they blogs? Product pages? directories?

If the content showing in Google doesn’t match the content that you want to rank, the chances are that you are going to have to create a new page. At the same time, if the content does match your page, there is a good chance you can rank and you should invest time into making that page as good as possible.

You should also use intent to optimize your on-page SEO and your call to actions. If users want information, make sure that your heading tags are questions. If they want to make a purchase, make sure that your CTAs reflect this. You can also use internal linking to help the user find more information if that’s what they are looking for, or more products if they want to buy.

Understanding intent is crucial if you want to make your website be as useful and high-ranking as possible.

Phoenix SEO: Local Search Ranking Factors You Need to Know About

Local SEO has experienced tremendous change over the last couple of years. Ranking factors have changed and new features have been coming at small businesses from all angles. If you’re unsure on the current state of Local SEO, allow us to explain what’s important and what you need to know.

There are several key ranking factors when it comes to local SEO. In order of importance, these are:

  • Google My Business Profile
  • Links
  • Reviews
  • On-page SEO
  • Citations

The importance of each of these is constantly shifting, but cover your basis by making sure that you are optimizing all of them.

Google My Business

Google My Business has introduced a ton of new features, and you should be taking advantage of as many as you can. Whatever you do, make sure that you have every field on your Google My Business page filled out and that all of the information there is up to date and accurate. This is the single biggest thing you can do for your business.


Reviews are getting more important over the years, there is simply no ignoring them. Getting more reviews — and more Google reviews in particular — is very, very important. Once you have your Google My Business page sorted, getting more reviews should be your next focus. When you do get reviews, make sure that you respond to them, whether they are positive or negative. Not only does it build a better rapport with your customers, it shows Google you are an engaged business.


Links are becoming as important in local SEO as they are in traditional SEO. Getting just a few links can make all the difference to your rankings. This can be the real difference maker when it comes to local rankings as it is very hard to do. Your competitors probably aren’t link building so if you can gain just a couple of links, you could surge up the rankings.

Get the help you need

Google Local SEO may seem pretty straightforward, but it can be very tricky. We always recommend that local businesses seek professional advice when it comes to ranking in Google, much in the same way that they would consult an accountant or a tax advisor.

There is all manner of issues and problems that can arise, some of which may even baffle professional SEOs. You never know what you’re going to meet until you start optimizing your local SEO factors. We can speak first-hand to the difficulties that business have faced in trying to get ranked in Google Maps. It’s not easy to do, but it’s definitely worth it if you can get there. Speak to a member of our team today to find out how we can help.

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