Must Haves for Mobile Commerce Sites

Person Shopping using Mobile Phone

Shopping online at mobile websites

Smart phones and mobile devices are changing our lives. These devices are becoming a substitute for the big and bulky desktop computers. Mobile users are slowly moving away from the conventional ways of online shopping. They prefer to use their mobile phones to buy things they need, schedule appointments, and pretty much everything.

The whole website should be scannable.

Give your website visitors an overview of your entire website. Allow them to freely browse different sections of your online shop. Provide a category list of the products that you are currently selling. Most users do not scroll down while browsing on mobile. They just mostly scan. They do not read things on screen the way they read other printed materials. People browse on their mobile because they already know what to buy. Mobile purchases should be quick and easy.

Homepage should not be too crowded.

Your homepage should provide easy access to everything, but do not put too much photos. Most importantly, there should be a search box. You should highlight the search box so that first time visitors can easily find the products they wish to purchase. If they cannot find a search box, they will abandon the page. It is no more complicated than that! Other than that, you can advertise the latest deals and promotions like a discount coupon, a free shipping deal, or something that can entice them to buy more items.

Pagination links should be clickable with your thumb.

Add pagination links to each page of your mobile website. Searching a website without pagination links is like finding a needle in a haystack. These links are helpful when you are browsing for a certain product in a huge pile. These pagination links are necessary for your customers so that they can browse your website conveniently. Your website will also load faster because the pagination links divided the items into pages, and when you have a speedy website, customers are happy. You would be helping your customers if you provide large clickable areas. Give these links some space and do not put the page numbers too close to each other.

Notify customers on restock.

When people are shopping online, it cannot be avoided that some items get out of stock. Most websites do not have an email function for these unavailable items. (Personally, it is such a hassle that I would have to constantly check a website if they have restocked the items that I want.) If you cannot notify via email, at least, tell the customers if the current inventory is low.

Customers can shop as guest.

Mobile e-commerce sites are helpful when customers are doing their last minute shopping. These people just want to buy something and the registration form is a huge barrier to be honest. Do not force them to register or to login. Instead, highlight benefits of registering – like free shipping, detailed package tracking, and exclusive perks – so that they will be more compelled to register. If they had a satisfying shopping experience, they themselves will decide to register and buy more items at your website.

Marketing a Product Using Social Media

facebook and other apps

How to use social media to your advantage?

Nowadays, people are always on the internet and they have the need to constantly update the world about their life. They search for everything on the internet. Your website is not the be-all and end-all of things. It is not enough when you plan to sell products online. Social media plays a huge role in e-commerce. Follow these tips on how to market a product:


  • Strong social media presence.
    Popular brands have different social media accounts. They go where the customers are. Whether it is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, your social media team should build your brand’s online profile. They need to fill the basic information like bio, official logo, website links, and so on. These information may seem mundane, but these are extremely important. The team should also prepare the visuals to upload to these accounts. You can utilize free online photo editors – e.g., Pizap, Pixlr, Canva – to edit your product photos and add attention-grabbing descriptions.

    Since Facebook is the top social media platform, experiment with its features. You can offer exclusive promotions on your wall or you can utilize the Facebook Ads to advertise your latest products. It is not enough to invest in one platform. Twitter and Instagram also have a huge following. (If you need help on that, you can use this Twitter guide I recently posted.) You can use social media not only to promote, but to reach out to the public. You can link the social media users to your official website.

    It is also a great way answer to your customers questions since most people just freely ask via social media. Great customer service will always win customers. Plus, social media has a larger scale than traditional media. This will give you an edge over competitors since your audience now is the whole world.

  • Boost your online presence.
    Yes, social media is huge part, but online visibility could also mean email. Do not solely rely on social media. Always encourage people to sign up for email. You can offer them exclusive perks via email campaigns. It will definitely help you and the great thing about it is: IT IS YOURS. You can create it the way to want and how you want it. When you are in social media, the space you occupy are owned by its respective owners. When you use email, it is totally yours and you do not need to pay ads. Just redirect your email subscribers to the latest deals and they can easily shop at your website.


  • Learn from the experts.
    It is not enough to get your content out there. You also need to follow influential people and learn from what they send out to their followers. Be a follower yourself and you would be in the shoes of your followers. Watch what they do and actively monitor for new opportunities. Find ways to engage with these experts. They usually have Twitter accounts so go there and be active.


  • Conduct giveaways.
    Encourage people to follow you by doing giveaways. It can be a simple like and share contest on Facebook, or a retweet and follow on Twitter. Once one person will share these giveaways, it can extend to thousands of people. Your followers will spread the word for you. The more shares you will get, the more people will know more about your brand. You can giveaway one of your products or perhaps a gift certificate.



Building a buzz is a collective effort. It is a combination of blogging, and social media (Facebook, Twitter Instagram, etc.) Remember that social media constantly changes. It is best that all these online campaigns should always redirect to your website. Your website should not be on the sideline. It should be the main hub. Draw people together across various social media platforms to one central website.

Six Things to Do Before Launching a Website

Website Check

Things to Check on your Website

When you have a website, it looks so easy and simple from the front end view. Behind the professional and stylish appearance, there are a lot things to deal with. One slight mistake can trigger massive consequences. There are several ways to blow things out of proportion. Indeed, it can be very stressful at times. Websites may differ from purpose and design, but generally, there are things you need to double-check before launching your very own website.

  • Proofread Page Content

Take time to read everything. Read your content over and over. Even if you read it numerous times, read it again. Ask people to read it. They might find some mistakes – misspelled words, grammar, and punctuation errors – that you missed. Make sure to break texts into short paragraphs, and the header and alignment formatting are reviewed. When clicked, the company logo should always redirect to the main website page. Check if the company contact details are complete and precise.

  • Check Links

Click on all your links to verify if they redirect to the correct item or page. Make sure these links are obvious and site visitors can recognize them as links. Moreover, the link description should not be ambiguous  and it should have an accurate description depending on the content. For example, the About Us page should not have a link like this: …/wp10d9.html.  A page not found (404) error would definitely discourage site visitors. Make sure there is a designated page that will help website visitors when the error occurs. If not, they would tag your website as unreliable. This link checker might help you if you are unsure of your website links.

  • Functionality Check

This is the most crucial part. Check all the forms – login, registration, comment , check out – if they are working accordingly and the data submitted are correct. Make sure these forms have an appropriate thank you message confirming the data given. Verify that the social media icons are working correctly so that sharing your content to various social media sites can be done without a hitch. Lastly, inspect your third-party and e-commerce software are functioning without complications especially if you are selling items.

  • Cross-Browser Check

Your website should be responsive in all browsers and across all devices. It should work not only on desktop browsers, but on smart phones, and tablets too. Text may be readable on desktop, but too small for mobile users. You can check how mobile friendly your website is by using this link.

  • Test the Visuals

Images, audio files, and videos should be viewable and working properly in all devices. Make sure that the videos are playing properly and its sound is audible. All images should be optimized for the web. Examine if these images have the relevant caption and alt text. Ensure that the file sizes are not too large. More huge images would mean longer time. Thus, it would mean a slower speed for your website.

  • Website Back Up

Before launching, make sure you have a copy of all your data in case of malware attempts against your website. Back up your data regularly so you do not have to constantly worry if something  fails to work properly. All ongoing pages should be saved on a regular basis.

How to Use Twitter the Right Way

Twitter App

Twitter Tips & Tricks

With over 313,000,000 active users, Twitter is one of the most popular social media websites now. It boasts a total of 1 billion unique views per month to different sites with embedded tweets. Twitter is a helpful marketing tool to share your brand, to acquire new followers, and to create that community of people with similar interests. What do you need to do to make your tweets visible to most people? How to use Twitter to its fullest potential? Just follow these easy tips:

  • Use hashtags. 

    Twitter is famous for its hashtags. Now, even Facebook supports hashtags. A hashtag is a phrase – spelled without spaces and with a pound sign in the beginning – used to identify messages on a particular topic. If you want to share your opinion, reaction, or even a blog post, use the appropriate hashtag. Tweets with hashstags have a higher chance of getting interactions including replies and retweets. For example, #PrayforLondon and #PrayforMachester. These topics are timely and relevant. People talked about the recent horrible events in the UK. All important updates regarding the tragedy included the specific hashtags. Twitter users from all over the world sent their messages of encouragement and sympathy.

  • Engage with your followers.

    This is the most neglected strategy. Do not just post updates. You will lose followers if you do not engage. Twitter is a place for you to have that one-on-one conversation with your customers. You have to start tweeting and interacting with people. Make it personal. I do not mean you click every follow button. You need to observe the activity of the Twitter users. Encourage people to shop by retweeting positive reviews. A celebrity tweet mentioning your brand can definitely give you a boost. You can also retweet interesting articles, tweet humorous posts, have a giveaway, ask questions, reply to queries. Once you interact with one user, it will have a ripple effect. Your followers can join in and reply too! The more interactions you have, the more noise you create. Thus, more people will follow your account.

  • Get peoples’ attention by using visuals. 

    Another unique things about Twitter is that on the compose a tweet window, you can insert a GIF or series of animated images. Tweets with images tend to get more retweets and interactions. When people can relate to the GIF, or they find it comical, they will most likely share it by retweeting. Other things you may attach: product images, inspiring quotes, creative videos. This is not Facebook where you can type a lengthy post. Keep it short. Add images together with your tweet and link.

  • Polish your Twitter profile. 

    Give attention to every detail on your profile. People will be doubtful with the authenticity of your profile if the details are incomplete. Use your company logo as your picture and header photo. Add your location and your official website. Link people to your main hub. You can even add important links on the bio section. Use the color palette similar to your website. Do not miss this opportunity to advertise your brand.

  • Schedule your tweets.

    Post frequently. As  I said earlier, the more you tweet, the more content gets out there. There is a higher chance for people to read your blog posts. Schedule tweets at different times. You can try to schedule one in the morning and one in the evening. I know constantly tweeting can be tedious, but the Tweetdeck app makes tweeting easier. It can help you on composing tweets beforehand and publishing them at a future date and time.

Twitter 101: Your Ultimate Guide to Twitter

app, twitter, social media

What is Twitter?

Whether you are into news, celebrities, sports, pop culture, Twitter is the place to be. A lot of famous people, brands, TV networks, establishments are here. According to Twitter, 66% of its users have found new small or medium-sized business on Twitter. It would be a shame to miss out on this pool of potential followers. Before we go to the tips on how to be successful on Twitter, let us first understand the basics of Twitter.

  • Tweet – This is what you call your Twitter post. You can include images, links, videos, to your tweets. The maximum limit of a tweet is 140 characters.

    Tip #1: Make your tweets personal. Open and honest communication is important in building trust and confidence. People do not like detached and impersonal tweets.

  • Twitter handle – This is your username. It always starts with an amphora or the @ symbol. It is your unique identifier on Twitter.

    Tip #1: Remember to choose a username that is significant to your business. Do not use a bunch of unrelated words as a username.

    Tip #2: Every tweet is limited. It is important to keep your username short and easy to memorize. Avoid making it alphanumeric unless the name of your business contains numbers.

  • Twitter profile – This is your page. You can see your picture, tweets, and bio on your profile.

    Tip #1: Complete your profile details including your picture, header photo, website link. People might think you are a bot account if you do not fill your profile.

    Tip #2: To ensure the authenticity of the profiles you will follow, make sure the Twitter profiles have a verified status. This is important especially if you are following a famous person and brand. A verified account has a blue check beside the display name.

  • Hashtag –  A hashtag is a keyword or phrase pertaining to a certain topic. You will know that a phrase is a hashtag when it starts with a # sign. Discover more about hashtags and its usage here. When you click a specific hashtag, you will see other related tweets containing the same hashtag.
  • Search –  When searching for accounts, be sure to include an @ before the username. If you are not certain of the exact username, check if there is a blue check beside the name to make sure it is not a fake account.  You can also search for a particular hashstag. Just make sure to include a # sign before  searching. The top hashtags of the day are listed on the trends section.
  • Mention –  When you interact with people, you mention them. How do you mention people? You use @ and followed by their Twitter username.

    Tip #1: People can also mention you when they want to interact. Make sure to always check your notifications tab.

  • Retweet –  A tweet you shared from other sources is called retweet. Once you retweet, it will display the original source of the tweet. People usually retweet timely stories.

    Tip #1: When people retweet your tweet, it could also mean that they can relate to it or find them interesting. If possible, include images to your tweets.

    Tip #2: Retweet a positive review of a product and thank that person by replying to the tweet. It will encourage your followers to buy your products since they saw someone who had a pleasant shopping experience.

  • Home –  This is the tab for the tweets of the Twitter accounts you currently follow.
  • Notifications – This is the tab for the tweets mentioning you. The notifications tab also includes retweets , likes, the list of accounts who followed you.
  • Block – If you block certain accounts, they cannot view your tweets and they are unable to follow you. Any mentions by these accounts, you will not be notified.

    Tip #1: Do not get me wrong. People are free to share a negative review of a product. Blocking applies when people are being offensive. Personally, I do not block people as much as possible, but at certain times, you really have to. You cannot attend to legitimate queries if you do not filter your notifications . Having been a social media assistant for quite some time, this command is helpful when people spam your account and send repeated messages.

More Effective Strategies to Gain Conversions

Sales and Conversions

Tips on gaining more customers.

Online shoppers are very choosy and fickle. They cannot decide what to buy at times and you have to guide them on what they could purchase. These tips will help you on gaining their attention and making them click that add to cart button.

    • Keep it clean.
      White space is a good thing. Do not cause a mess on the homepage. You must learn how to keep the homepage minimal. Like what I mentioned on the previous post, the goal is to show less products so that the customers can have more focus on what to buy. Avoid having too many moving images on the homepage. Remove all the unnecessary details and unrelated products. Always go for a simple, yet professional design. It will definitely help you in gaining your customers’ trust.
    • Only show what is needed.
      Do not show irrelevant details that will not interest the customers. You only need to show the main features of the product. Indicating the technical specifications the beside product is not required. Utilize call-to-action buttons like “Read more…” links throughout the website. CTA buttons are really helpful in organizing the website and know that they are not only limited to the “buy now”, or the “shop now” buttons.
    • Guide your customers.
      Your website should have a certain structure so that they can easily scan the page. It should not be a crowd of different unrelated products and scattered descriptions. There should be a flow on where they need to focus their attention. You can use arrows to point a important video presentation or point out purchase link. Keep the flow going and always suggest where to go next. Avoid a dead end on any web page. Make sure a page leads to somewhere with more beneficial information.
    • Follow the Gutenberg Rule.
      The Gutenberg Rule describes the reading activity of most people. Reading starts from left to right and top to bottom. People usually look at top left first and end at the bottom right. This is why in most websites, the buttons that will redirect to another page usually are placed on the bottom right and the highlighted products usually are in the top portion of the page.
    • Prepare your customers for their next purchase.
      If you have managed to made a sale and the customers are satisfied with their purchase, use this time as an opportunity to present enticing offers to your customers. You can give out discount coupons for their next purchase, suggest special offers that might spark their interest, or even offer a free shipping on the next order. Once they bought a product, they will more likely to purchase more. Use the “Thank you” page to advertise other products.


Whatever tips and strategies you might decide to apply, please remember to never comprise the quality of your service. Great customer service is the best tool to gain conversions. Word of mouth is the best form of marketing. Do not underestimate the power of online reviews and testimonials because it will surely help you gain more customers.

Strategies to Gain More Conversions

Charts, Graphs, Conversions

How to gain more customers?

Numerous businesses have adapted the concept of e-commerce over the years. It is evident in the rise of various online stores that are manufactured to sell. However, a good-looking website helps, but it is not everything. You can use these tips to help your business gain more customers and eventually, increase sales.

    • Prevent Choice Paralysis.
      What is Choice Paralysis to begin with? It happens when there is just TOO many choices presented. It is great to present customers unlimited options, but too much might confuse them. To avoid Choice Paralysis, you must give suggestions to what to buy, provide buying guides, highlight bestsellers. For example, let us take a look at On its homepage, it gave a suggestion to browse new releases. If you do not want to buy those, the bestselling books are indicated just below it. They also compiled a list like: best books ever, best children’s books, best cookbooks, and so on. All the books are not on the homepage. It is important to present less products so that the customers can have more focus.


    • Provide a Preview of the Product.
      Like in most physical stores, customers want to see what they are buying. Same is true with online stores. You must show the product. How? Provide pictures and not only that, customers should have the option to zoom in for better viewing. If you are selling books, provide the final book cover, dimensions of the book, and other details that will help the customer. If you are selling shirts, pictures of the shirts in several colors should be available. Sizing charts also come in handy so that the customers can easily compare the different sizes. People buy based on what the a certain product looks like. Of course, they would not buy an overripe tomato, or a dented can of sardines.


    • Allow Customers to Try the Product.
      When you go to a grocery store, they would give out a free taste of the different products they have. Even online, it’s also important to let the customers try the product. Software companies nowadays provide a free version of their programs. You do not have to necessarily buy these products to be able to use them. If you like it very much, you can choose to upgrade. This is a great strategy because when customers like your product and it is great, they will depend on it. When they depend on it, they will most likely avail of the premium version of the product. Do not let your customers imagine on what the product will be like. Instead, let them try the product and sooner or later, you will win customers.


    • Generate a Desire for the Product.
      It is essential to grab the attention of the potential buyers. Once you have it, gain their interest by how these products are beneficial to them, how these products are different from the rest. If they are already interested, create desire for your products. They will act on that desire because they know by now how beneficial the products are. If they are still having second thoughts, you can develop a sense of urgency like a limited time offer of 15%, or an offer of free shipping on the all orders placed within 24 hours.


Nine Helpful Links that Will Save Your Life (Part 3)

internet, security, archive

Internet Safety and Security

Do you want to send large files without installing any software?  Is this particular website safe for you to visit? Are you doubtful of this file you just received? Check out the websites I listed below. There is NO need to fill in long registration forms for most of the websites indicated. It will undeniably help you in making your life easier and most importantly, it will save you time.


    • Box Oh! – If you are fond of online shopping like me, this website will simplify shipment tracking for you. Whether your package is shipped via USPS, UPS, DHL, or FedEx, it is all identifiable using this easy to use website.
    • Flight Stats – You got your packages covered with Box Oh! How about flights? There is no need to worry. Just provide the airline company together with the flight number and Flight Stats will track the flight for you.
    • Plus Transfer – With Plus Transfer, you can now send massive files easily. The file limit is 5GB of data. You do not need to install anything and you do not have to register as well. Now, that is definitely a plus!


      • Jotti’s Malware Scan – An online virus scanner that allows you to scan questionable files. This is going to be your best friend if you get a lot of email attachments. Scan them all first with Jotti’s Malware Scan. They use 18 scanners such as BitDefender, Trend Micro, ESET, Kasperky, and many more. Note that there is a 50MB limit per file, but you can upload 5 files at the same time.
      • Norton’s  Safe Web – Norton is an antivirus software program by Symantec and the company created a website to check if a particular website is safe and secure for users to browse. Just simply paste the link or the Uniform Resource Locator (URL). After, Norton will give you a report on its trustworthiness including its ecommerce safety information in case you will buy an item on that site.
      • Gmail – What is so special with this Gmail link? It will let you sign up to Gmail without your existing Gmail email address. It means you can give out any email address (Yahoo, AOL, etc.) and Gmail will send a verification email if it is really your account.


    • – This website allows you to capture a webpage. It means that even if the original website gets deleted, goes offline, or for whatever reason, you stored a copy of the page. A unique link will be provided of that particular page and the contents of the page are unchangeable, of course. This is useful when you are monitoring a price change, an item listing, or even a derogatory social media post.
    • Archive.Org – You should not confused this with This is your internet time machine. You can visit old versions of a website. You can use to contribute to There are over 294 billion web pages saved here including popular websites like CNN, IMDB, Amazon, Yahoo, and more.
    • Who Is Hosting This? – Discover who is hosting a particular website. Know details about the host, servers, and IP address. They also have an in-depth analysis on the different hosting websites. You can also compare various hosting sites, and even get hosting coupons.

Let’s recap! Part one is about online diagrams, layer-based image editors, and private notes and chat rooms. Part two is about random numbers, timers, and timezone, and eBooks. Lastly, the third part is about internet security, file transfers, and web archives.

Nine Helpful Links that Will Save Your Life (Part 2)

internet, browsing, friends

Easy to use websites!

Do you want FREE Kindle books? Do you need an online grammar checker to scrutinize your manuscript? This guide will help you with all those and more. Like in the previous post, there is NO need to sign up for most of the websites listed. These links are guaranteed to help you in getting things you want without having to register and submit any personal information.

    • Dot Epub – Are you going to be traveling? Do you do need to read a whole web page? Save a particular page to an .ePub file so that you read it while you are on the road.
    • Google Images – Reverse image search using this tool. We usually search for images. Hey, guess what? You can now search using images. Simply upload a photo and get results pertaining to that photo.
    • Hundred Zeros – How will this save your life? This is will save you from getting broke. It is pretty much the same thing. This site is dedicated to eBooks. The creator collated a list of free Kindle books in this simple site. You can browse through a vast selection. Once you have chosen one, you get redirected to the Amazon page of the book. If you are a veracious reader, do not miss this hidden gem.


      • Adobe Color – If you are a designer (whether a web designer or an interior designer), this tool is really helpful. You can experiment on color palettes here. You are given a guide to the different color rules -complementary, analogous, triad, compound, etc – so you will not end up mixing and matching the wrong colors!
      • Copy/Paste Characters – Do you want to insert special characters to a document you are type? Maybe you wish to use emojis in a presentation? (Life is boring without emojis, right? ☺) See what I did? You can get them all in one place. As the name suggest, you just have to copy and paste.
      • Random.Org – Number generators are helpful during giveaways. If you are planning one soon, just go to Random.Org. It will generate a number for you. You do not need a bunch of paper strip and a fishbowl. Drawing winners are now made easy! Everything that concerns randomness is here. There is an Integer Set Generator, List Randomizer, Clock Time Generator, Geographic Coordinate Generator, and so on.


    • Polish My Writing – Need help with your writing? Polish My Writing will do it for you. Just paste your document on the text box and it will check your writing. Spelling errors are in indicated red, grammar corrections are in blue, and style suggestions are in color green.
    • Timer – Timers are not for baking only! You can need a two-minute timer for brushing your teeth or a timer for doing 8 reps. Health is wealth after all. Timer has every timer you can think of. You can even make your own customized timer.
    • Every Time Zone – As an online gamer, my face lit up when I saw this website. I am never good at math. I hate doing calculations. I have missed multiple online events because of the differences in time zone and  I am never good at remembering all the dates. Whether you are scheduling a meeting with overseas clients, you have a multi-city flight to familiarize, or you need to attend a game event like me, this site really simplified everything about time zones!


Missed the previous post? You can catch up here. If you want more helpful links, you can visit this link.

Nine Helpful Links that Will Save Your Life (Part 1)

browsing, internet, google

Life made easy!

Do you like to take notes while browsing? Do you want to create a private chat room for you and your friends to discuss a surprise party? Perhaps you want to create complex flowcharts without downloading a gigantic program? This guide will help you in doing simple things without complications. There is no need to sign up for most of the links listed below. These no-nonsense links will surely help you in getting things done.

    • SumoPaint – This is an image editor with an extensive array of brushes. SumoPaint is packed with the wackiest effects and unique tools to enhance your photos. It is like a portable Photoshop. What more can you ask for?
    • Kleki – An online editor similar to SumoPaint. This is a more simplified version. On the plus side, the site also provides guides and tutorials on creating colored drawings with the basic use of layers.
    • WhatTheFont! – Have you ever seen a font you like on a television show? Want to know what it is? Well, you now can upload a photo and WhatTheFont will search the specific font for you. If there are no results, there is also a forum for font enthusiast to help you out.


      • Paste Bin – This was originally made so that programmers can easily share their codes. Now, anyone can type, or paste large .txt files for easy sharing. You can also set an expiration for the notes you made. No need for you to register to use it and the recipients of your notes do not need to register either.
      • NotesIO – If you need an online notepad while you are researching, this for you. Unlike Paste Bin, notes on NotesIO are for your personal use, and not for sharing. It is a simple yet reliable personal notepad.WhatTheFont! – Have you ever seen a font you like on a television show? Want to know what it is? Well, you now can upload a photo and WhatTheFont will search the specific font for you. If there are no results, there is also a forum for font enthusiast to help you out.
      • DrawIO – Do you need to create flowcharts? DrawIO is your all-around online diagram software. You can save the charts on Dropbox, Google Drive, and your local device. You can start from scratch or you can use premade templates. They have a wide variety of templates from business to software layouts. It is definitely helpful to computer programmers, engineers, and architects.


    • PrivNote – Remember those Mission Impossible movies where messages self-destruct after being delivered? You can send notes using PrivNote and it will leave no trace. It will automatically get deleted after being read. It is definitely great if you are exchanging secret information with someone.
    • NilTalk – If PrivNote allows you to send disposable notes , NilTalk allows you to have an instant and disposable chat room. There is no need to register and your messages will not be recorded. You just need to input a password for your private chat room. After, you can send the unique link to the selected participants. They can join in and the chat room will end after 120 minutes.
    • LMGTFY –  When your friends are too lazy to search, Let Me Google That For You will do the search for them. It is also a great tool for teaching someone on how to search things online. Despite the name, the search is NOT limited to Google only. You can use other search engines like Yahoo, Aol, Bing, and Ask.

More helpful links regarding number generators, time zones, and an online grammar checker  are found here. If you want links about file transfers, and internet security, just click here.

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