The Impact of Color on Your Website’s Design

With everything becoming more and more visual, color probably sits in the very middle of it. In web design, this means a lot considering how colors can affect users in a lot of ways in terms of engaging with the website. In this article, we are going to understand how color impacts your website’s design as well as knowing which ones to use.


The Psychology of Color

The main foundation for this inquiry is color psychology. We already know that the use of color obviously affects almost everyone. So let us understand why.


In its most basic definition, Color Psychology is the science of how color affects human behavior. So it is not a surprise to know that it is just one of the branches of a broader field of behavioral psychology.


Now let us take this to statistics. In a research made by Satyendra Singh, it is found out that color plays an influence of at least 62-90% in the mere 90 seconds a customer forms an opinion about a product. What this means for web design, most especially for those who sell products and services, is that color greatly affects conversion rates. Therefore, color is critical!


You don’t think that Facebook is color blue just because Mark Zuckerberg likes it. Amazon is orange not because one of its founders like the fruit. And lastly, Google is not simply white because it just feels like it.


What we are trying to say is that behind every successful websites’ web design considered color as one of its important choices. So let us delve deeper into that and identify some color psychology that may be helpful to you.


Where to Use Colors

Before anything else, let us first identify the parts of your pages where the use of color is very important. This is to give you a good visual of how to put it all together once you know this.


  • Pop-ups
  • Borders
  • Headlines
  • Background hues
  • Primary web banners or hero graphics
  • Buttons, especially call for action


What Colors to Use

Now, let us identify what colors to use on your website to make it more appealing according to the purpose you want to be achieved.



Blue is a good color to foster user’s trust. This explains why Facebook, even how toxic it may seem sometimes, has garnered a lot of users. It is the color most associated with peace, order, loyalty, calm, and trust.



Orange creates a sense of urgency, which could also be impulsive. It stimulates physical activity, competition, and confidence. So you can understand why Amazon often leads you to shop more than you should.



Some descriptions attached to the color black is luxury and value. It even reaches the point where the darker the tone, the more luxurious it feels. Black exhibits elegance, sophistication, and power. You can notice this on a number of high-end websites and products, usually cars and jewelry.



White can be associated with freedom, spaciousness, and breathability. The use of white space has become a go-to for much of modern contemporary designs due to its psychological association with liberation. So it is also a good color to compliment other bright ones as it can make everything seem orderly and not crowded and overwhelming.


The Impact of Fonts on Your Website

Much of the world today undeniably relies on visuals. This is especially true in the online world. And it is probably one of the things that attracts and entices us to remain on an account, or, as the purpose of this article, a website. One of the best tools that influence in that aspect is the font.


Fonts are one of the most overlooked design elements there is when crafting a website. However, unbeknownst to many, they can actually work to improve a website in a lot of ways. Statistically, the average Internet users only read 28% of the web page. This really says a lot about how fonts can affect that. And if you want more convincing, then allow us to tell you the impact of fonts on your website.


Fonts Affect Site Speed

Often, people blame pictures and other content like videos in terms of the loading speed of a website. But actually, one of the things that also contribute to that are the fonts used.

Fonts or the typefaces you use on your website usually requires you to download them. Therefore, if you use more typefaces, then there are more for you to download. However, this may cause your website to slow down since there is just too much downloadable content.


To prevent this, it helps to remain consistent and just use at least two to three different fonts. Not only will this cut down on load time, but it will also make your website look cleaner and polished.


Fonts Give Character to Your Website

Through written content, fonts are probably the most visible component that is all over your website. they are unmissable. So it plays a lot in how your website will look. This is one of its main purpose: to convey the character or purpose of your website and content. That is why it is important for you to choose the right fonts to use. Make sure that it speaks a lot about your website.


Fonts Improve Dwell Time

When used correctly, the fonts for your text can guide your readers towards the end of the article. We all know that not everyone gets through and complete reading the article. People have become too impatient for that. And if they leave immediately just because your fonts are unreadable and all over the place, then your dwell time will suffer. This could be bad for you in the search rankings. So to overcome this, use the proper fonts and align and arrange your text.


Fonts Place Emphasis

You want people to visit your website for a number of reasons. But sometimes, they just fail to notice that. With the right fonts, you can actually lead them to what you want to achieve by emphasis.


If you want your visitors to actually buy a product, you definitely won’t use a font that is unremarkable and small. Instead, you would use one that grabs their attention. Fonts emphasize the things you want most to be noticed. So be cautious about the fonts you choose.

What Are Anchor Links and How Do They Work

One of the things that small businesses are starting to love to do to improve their SEO is adding anchor links. With SEO becoming more competitive, you need to employ as many techniques as possible that will raise your rankings up. If you are still new to this, however, and want to learn more, then we got you. We have written down below the basic things you need to learn about anchor links:


What are Anchor Links?

First things first. Let us define what anchor links are.

Anchor links, also known as anchor tags, are basically a tag that you can attach to a word or a phrase. However, this differs from those hyperlinks wherein instead of taking your users to another webpage, it will take them to a different section of the page. In much simpler terms, it is a link on a page that brings you to a specific place on that page. Essentially, you are creating a unique URL within the same page. So how do you do it?


How to Use Anchor Links

The answer to that last question is not actually as complicated as you think. What you just need to keep in mind is your basic HTML. Here are the steps you can follow:


  • Begin by writing out your copy and putting it on your website. This could either be as a new page or on an existing page.
  • Next, open your text editor and determine where you want to insert the name anchor tag or link and where you want it to go (anchor destination).  This is doable anywhere such as the heading, word, phrase, etc.
  • Then, insert the anchor tag around the text you’re going to link. You will need to add an HTML code using <a> tag to create the link and to create the destination. Both will look like this:
  • The anchor link will use this format:
  • <a href=”#anchor1″ >Anchor Link Text</a>
  • The anchor destination will use this format:
  • <a name=”anchor1″>Anchor Destination Text</a>


And that is it!


As a reminder, just make sure that the “a href” and “a name” are identical except for a “#” symbol with “a href”


Also, make sure to never overcrowd your website with too much anchor links. Use them sparingly. Having too much will become an annoyance to your visitors who would be jumping too much all over the page. So be cautious.


Why Use Anchor Links

Now the question remains: why do we need to use them? Well, we got the answers here for you. Here are some of its benefits:


  • No Scrolling is Needed. Your visitors would find this very convenient as they don’t have to go through multiple chunks of text.
  • It Makes Content More Organized. Anchor tags keep things in order. You won’t have to create several web pages or even split a document. You can contain them in one place.
  • Helpful to Search Engine. When Google shows your webpage in the results, it sometimes uses anchor tags to send the user to a particular section where the answer to the query is.

In today’s ever-changing world of marketing

As the online marketing world becomes more competitive, it is important now that you make use of tools that will make you stand out from the crowd. A good one for that is by adding videos to your website. Videos are a great way to make your site be more convenient to use. Aside from that are a number more benefits. We have listed them down below:


Fast Way to Deliver Your Site’s Content

In this fast-paced environment, it helps that your website keeps up. This means making the meaning of your content and business be delivered quickly. People now rarely read an entire article. So get to them first by relaying your message through a video.


Videos are a great way for users to digest the information coming from your website without having to read through everything. This way, they get to learn more about the product or services you offer much more conveniently. They won’t even have the time to leave your site as they will be engrossed watching. This also points to how your videos should be well-made also.


Visitors Get Engaged

As people spend more time on your website with the video, they then get to be exposed to a number of features on your website at the same time. They can see your CTAs, value proposition, and many more. By the time the video ends, they become more easily led to engage with your website. This is far better than passive.


Improves SEO

Studies actually show that having videos on your website can improve your chances of being featured on Google’s first page by 53 times. This means an increase in visibility for you, which will later lead to more visitors and conversion rates. Overall, a very good strategy to improve your business.


And once users click on your website, the video will do its work by holding their attention for 2 minutes or even longer. This would then increase their dwell time, which is also a factor Google uses for the page ranking.


Adds Personality to Your Website

You want your website to be memorable. And that won’t happen if it lacks personality. With videos, however, you can create that and show it to people in just a minute or so. Video messaging can create an emotional response to your customers. This would help you influence them and convince them to relate to your business persona. So if you want to be hip, fun, sophisticated, cool, professional, and more, then make use of videos and be remembered.


Foster Customer Relationship

Once your video captured your users, it will then help foster customer relationship. People prefer using products and services that are in line with their own personalities. And with videos, you can make your website be more relatable. Doing this will then make your website seem much more comfortable for them to engage, thus fostering a healthy customer relationship. After you have satisfied that, they will most likely return to your website.

What’s Parallax Scrolling and How Does It Affect Your Website

One technique that has been gaining some momentum in web design is Parallax Scrolling. But of course, not everyone is familiar with it. So here is a breakdown of the necessary things you need to know about it.


What is Parallax Scrolling?

Parallax scrolling is a web design visual effect that makes the background of the page to move along when scrolling down. It enables the background to move at a slower rate than the foreground, creating a 3D effect.


The term was coined from the stunts developed in the 2D gaming where they use various background images to establish an illusion as the game progresses. This same concept for web design opens up a number of opportunities for several activities because users will most likely stay to scroll through the pages.


Another thing it does is it allows you to click on the navigation link, which will then jump you down to that specific section you desired. So instead of clicking around and going through the entire website just to find some information, parallax makes the content design contain everything all on one page.


How Does Parallax Scrolling Affect Your Website?

Parallax scrolling, just like most things, is created for its benefits. However, it can’t help but have some disadvantages also. Here are some of them:


Benefits of Parallax Scrolling

  • Convenient – probably one of the main things anyone who has ever visited a website with parallax scrolling is its convenience. This technique is very easy to execute and makes viewing the website navigable. Accessing articles is then not complicated with the different links around.
  • Visual Effects – of course, the best thing about parallax scrolling is its visual effect. It just makes a webpage much more appealing to the eyes. Through it, the business story of the website can become very engaging.


Disadvantages of Parallax Scrolling

  • Slow Loading Page – Since parallax scrolling requires a lot of technical stuff and computation for the script, the loading time of the page may become slow. Those with a slow Internet connection and even those using their mobile devices will especially feel this. And when the website takes a long time to show up, you know that it’s not going to be great with the user experience.
  • Not Good to SEO – With parallax websites, you will actually have to visit one or two pages utmost since it aims to compress everything. However, this does not look good with SEO. Search engines usually prefer websites that offer numerous, content-rich pages. And unfortunately, Parallax does not provide that.
  • Incompatible with Browsers – Different kinds of browsers have their own way of making websites. Due to the way Parallax website works, where it compresses everything, they may find it tricky to have various kinds of browsers adapt. What works for Google may not for Mozilla. So you have to go through a number of testing.
  • Tricky for Analytics – Finally, parallax may prove difficult in terms of analytics. Since all content is lumped into one page, identifying which one is capturing more visitors could be hard.

What’s Your Site’s Conversion Rate: How to Calculate It and How to Improve It

One of the best signs that tell you your website is good is the conversion rate. If you have been in the world of SEO long enough or even just a while, then you have probably heard of it. But for the sake of those who are still new to this, we have written down this very simple guide on conversion rate—what it is about and how to calculate it.


Understanding What a Conversion Rate Is

The basic foundation of understanding is the definition. So let us begin with that.


Conversion rate simply pertains to the percentage of visitors on your website or landing page that convert. By convert, we mean the things you aimed for them to do. This actually depends a lot on the kind of website you have, or if you are a business, what it is you do. So to give you a brief idea of how visitors convert, below is a list:


  • Purchasing
  • Submitting a form
  • Calling your business
  • Signing up
  • Registering
  • Downloading
  • Upgrading


Basically, all of these are ways of engaging with your website. So if they made an action, then they are converting. Conversion is a measurable action that a potential customer takes towards actually becoming a customer.


How to Calculate Conversion Rate

Now, let us head on to calculating it. Doing it is actually very easy. You just have to follow this formula:


Conversion rate = (conversions / total visitors) * 100%


You have to divide the number of conversions you get in a given time frame by the total number of people who visited your website or landing page. After that, multiply it by 100. That’s it.


However, that is just conversion part. Before that, you will have to identify the variables or date that you need for the formula. For this, you will need to implement website tracking. Here is how you can do it:


Begin by determining what you want to calculate. Is it for lead conversion or product sales?

Get the appropriate data from your website analytics program. You can actually sign up to Google analytics for this.

Once you have identified that, do the following formula according to the conversion you want to calculate.


Lead Generation

Number of Leads Collected / Total Traffic to Site x 100 = Conversion Rate



The formula for the sales is actually the one written above. So if you can simply follow that.


How to Improve Conversion Rates

There are a number of ways you can do to improve your conversion rates. Here are some of them:


  • Emphasize and focus on call to action buttons. Make sure that you are clear about what you want them to do. If you want them to purchase, then put up a sign that directs them to do it. Don’t lead them to a treasure hunt.
  • Improve landing pages by experimenting with layout, content, style, and functionality. Make sure that what you want to convey can be easily seen such as your value proposition and more.
  • Foster trust. Place some testimonials and make your services and products searchable.


Where to Find Stock Photos for Your New Website

When creating a website, one of the first things you need are pictures. In this world where the visual aspects are being given greater depth, it helps to find the best ones that will serve your website well. This adds to the fact that pictures can greatly improve your business website in a lot of ways, not just for beautification.


If you are still establishing your website and are at the position where you still can’t afford to hire photographers to take images just for you, then you can always count on the Internet and its world of stock photos without having to worry about copyright. However, not all stock photo websites are made equal. Some offer low quality while some the best. So to help you with this, we have compiled a list of the best websites to find stock photos:



This is probably one of the best websites to find royalty-free stock photos out there. Almost everyone knows about Unsplash and for the good reasons.


It offers beautiful high-resolution and professionally taken stock photography for everyone. No matter the type or the theme, you can surely find it. The possibilities are almost endless with over 300,000 stock photos in total and counting. They add thousands more every day. And as we have mentioned, all of these are for free.

Another great website to look for that perfect stock photo to use on your website, 500px offers both free and paid images. There are a number of unique images here that you can’t simply find on any other websites. It even has a larger collection than Unsplash with quality that is just as good.

You can enjoy both free and paid membership if you are willing, to explore more choices. These are also professionally taken. The photos are raved about for being more artistic and realistic.


Burst by Shopify

Burst by Shopify offers beautiful stock photography that you can use for various industries. At the very core of it is photography with e-commerce in mind. So if your website is more inclined to business, then this is a great place to look for stock photos.


You will also find the website very easy to navigate and search due to its wide variety of collections. Plus, the photos here are free for commercial use.


Life of Pix

Just like the movie title that sounds like it, Life of Pix gives true to life, high-resolution stock photography. With its thousands of stock photos available, you can surely find something for your industry, be it from food and people, to architecture and textures. In terms of copyright, the images are free for commercial use. However, there are some minimal restrictions applied to distributors.



Pexels have a great number of stock photos that you can use for either personal or commercial use. Their growing number of over 40,000 is added with 3,000 new stock photos every month. You can find a ton of artistic stock images no matter the theme or feel you are aiming for your website.


Why Page Load Speed is Important for SEO

If you have been in SEO long enough, then you definitely know how page load speed is one factor in Google’s search result rankings. On the other hand, if you are just an avid Internet user yourself, you may find it annoying to wait for a page to load itself up completely.

Either way, page load speed is essential both for SEO and users. It greatly affects the website’s functionality and its ability to deliver results.

Now if you are still trying to understand this, then there is no need to worry because we have got you covered. We have here everything you need to know about the importance of page load speed in SEO.

What is Page Load Speed?

Before we jump on the why, let us first identify the what page load speed is.Page Load Speed is not the same as site speed. This is just a general confusion. Instead, page load speed is actually the page speed for a sample of page views on a site.

It can either be described as “page load time”, which is the time for the page to fully display the content, or “time to first byte”, which is the time it takes for the browser to receive the first byte of information from the web server.

Ultimately, no matter the case, a faster page load speed is necessary for a good website.

Importance of Page Load Speed to SEO

Let us now talk about why page load speed is important to SEO.

Google Search Results Ranking Factor

The first thing is that Google announced how site speed is one of the signals used by its algorithm to rank pages. It is also shown that Google may be specifically measuring the “time to first byte” when looking into the page load speed.

Therefore, if your website has slow page load speed, then your rankings may be affected. You won’t get the visibility and exposure for users to actually click on your result.

Furthermore, Google has also indicated that page speed will be a contributing factor in its upcoming mobile-friendly index. This is actually still in the process of being known. But to better prepare yourself, you must ensure that your site is responsive and fast in page load speed.

User Experience

Another crucial thing to consider when page load speed is slow is the user experience. As stated above, users do not like websites that take a lot of time to load. This results in a higher bounce rate and lower average time on page, aka dwell time. Google’s research indicates an increase of 32% in bounce rate when the page load speed goes from 1 second to 3 seconds. For longer than that, it increases the chance to 90% for 5 seconds and 123% for 10 seconds.

When users leave immediately, this sends a signal to Google that the page is not useful. Because of this, the website or result is pushed down. This also negatively affects the conversions.

Need to speed up your website? We can help. Whether it’s improving your current site or creating a brand new one, our team are on-hand to improve your online presence. Get in touch today.

Top SEO Predictions for 2018

This digital age has made advancements and changes even more constant and fast. What this means in the world of SEO is that strategies and techniques may not work as much as it used to.

With the coming of the New Year comes a whole range of predictions about SEO. These things may come true or not. Either way, if you don’t want to find yourself losing and missing out, then it helps to prepare by first getting yourself familiar with these predictions.

So without further ado, here are the top SEO predictions for 2018:

There will be a Huge Improvement in Video and Image Search

As the world becomes more visual, an expected twist to SEO is an improvement in how people use video and image search. The advancements in technology, most especially in the increase of Internet speed, have led searchers to engage and interact more with videos and images.

Therefore, it won’t be long before Google makes some changes in their algorithms to improve the involvement of images and videos in online searches.

More Companies will Employ Video as an SEO Technique

As you may have known, one of the factors Google considers in their search results ranking is the dwell time. And now, one of the most effective ways websites get their visitors to stay longer on their site is by placing videos.

Videos have increasingly become one of the preferred ways people consume content. So it is not hard to imagine the impact of using videos for a longer interaction time from an SEO standpoint.

Voice Search will Increase

The rise of smartphones with AI personal assistants like Siri as well as smart speakers will greatly impact the increase of voice searches. Through these devices, people will now rely on spoken queries online.

Even in 2008 to 2016, a study has found out that the use of voice search queries has increased by 35 times. Take that to the times now where word accuracy is rapidly improving, we can just expect a more sophisticated use of voice search; leading to more and more people using this function.

That is why in the coming months, we can just expect increasing use of voice search. As a marketer, it is now necessary to change and optimize your SEO strategy for voice.

Other Search Engines Beyond Google and Bing will Flourish

For years, Google and Bing have been the main search engines SEOs focus. However, we can expect to see a shift from this. There will be an increase in trend of companies competing for ranking space from other search engines.

While Google may still remain to be the top place for people to look for information, other search engines will still play a great part in improving a business or websites’ scope.

If you want to increase your chances and reach more people, then it doesn’t hurt to give other search engines ago; most especially since the amount of Apple users has made Siri a relevant search engine.

Inbound Marketing V Outbound Marketing: Which Is Better?

If you’re a marketer or a businessman, then you probably encountered the terms inbound marketing and outbound marketing. You might also be confused on which is better between the two marketing approaches.

Some experts might prefer inbound marketing, while some organizations might prefer outbound. In other cases, it might be a good idea to combine the two marketing strategies. For your clear understanding, let’s differentiate the two and determine which suits your business better.

What Is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is a basically a new marketing approach where marketers try to “pull” in new customers with compelling content. Also known as content marketing, inbound marketing engages on social media, blog posts, infographics, white papers, and email newsletters. People find the marketer’s content with the help of SEO (search engine optimization), paid search, and paid discovery.

If your content is engaging enough, people read, share, and interact with it. This makes a good impression on your brand and will influence later purchasing decisions. There’s never an obvious sales pitch, just a nudge to customers to the sales funnel by increasing their brand’s engagement.

What Is Outbound Marketing?

Outbound marketing aims at attempting to reach as many people as possible. Also known as “direct marketing”, this marketing approach is interruptive and it pushes itself at people, whether they want it or not. Examples of outbound marketing are the following: television ads, radio ads, banner, billboards, newspapers, telemarketing, pop-ups, and cold calling.

Over the last decade, outbound marketing has become less popular. Oversaturation led people to begin disregarding display advertising.

What Is The Distinction Between Inbound And Outbound Marketing?

While outbound pushes at everybody, inbound pulls in potential users. The way they’re presented also differs: while outbound is written for the product’s needs, inbound is created for the needs of customers.

Outbound marketing also draws in consumers while outbound marketing seeks out consumers. The former is part of content consumption while the latter interrupts content consumption.

So Which Is Better, Inbound Marketing Or Outbound Marketing?

I’d say neither because these two marketing approaches can be used effectively on their own or even jointly. Each marketing strategy has its distinct set of benefits and drawbacks.

Inbound marketing is a better long-term solution with a bit higher short-term costs. It’s good in building a good relationship between your brand and your potential customers. This also compels potential customers to your brand at the right time.

Outbound marketing, on the other hand, is a better short-term solution with higher long-term costs. It can reach a large number of people instantly and create awareness. If done right, you can introduce an outbound marketing campaign, get watched by a million people, and have new consumers at a short period of time.

Most businesses use both inbound and outbound while keeping an inbound strategy. Ultimately, you have to determine what’s right for your company by considering your market, goals, and brand.
If you need help developing your marketing strategy, speak to a member of our team today for a free consultation.

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