3 Linking Strategies that You Should Not Believe (Part 2)

Myths and rumors easily spread even on the internet. If you read 3 Linking Strategies that You Should Not Believe, you should know the 3 myths I proved to be false. Today, I will still continue the discussion and I will give 4 more scenarios for you.

Remember, links are important, but it is more important to build the proper links for your website. Applying dubious link building techniques will just bring you more harm than good. Search engines, like Google, will always favor high-quality links over shady ones.

Group of People making plans and strategizing

Without further ado, here are 4 more link building myths that you should not believe especially at this day and age.

 Myth #4: Links are NOT important if your website ranks high already

  • Just because you are doing well on the other ranking factors, you decide to skip on link building. No, please don’t. Sadly, many people practice this!
  • Links should be part of any SEO strategy because it helps you preserve the “high ranking” your website currently has. Other than that, links help you do the following:
    • Widen your online visibility even more,
    • Bring in more traffic to your website, and
    • Demonstrate how your website has authority, expertise, and significance.
  • Link building should be an ongoing effort. You are not after of the number of links to your website, but you are after the opportunity to introduce your website to new customers.

Related: How NOT to Endanger Your PageRank Scores?

Myth #5: Google will favor websites with high-quality links

  • Google will not favor any ranking factor over the other. There no cookie cutter mold to follow here. What we just know is that there are over 200 ranking factors from backlinks to on-page SEO elements. For a complete list of ranking factors, refer to this list compiled by Backlinko.
  • We will never know what is more important because Google’s ranking factors changes depending on the trends. If you watch a particular Google Webmaster video, John Mueller specifically said that there is no “one size that fits all.” It all boil down to the searcher’s intent. Search engines will rank websites depending on its relevance to the queries.

Myth #6: Posts, links, and whatever content on your website share the same rank

  • This myth would refer to 2 things:
    • Each post on your website has the same value or
    • All links have an equal rank.
  • Still, these statements are NOT true. For individual posts, you can search for online auditors. These tools will audit your website and rank your posts. Link Assistant provides a free download of their website auditor.
  • As for the links, John Muller shared that the position of a link on page is extremely important. So, plan the positioning of links well. It is recommended to put the links on the higher of the web page. Basically, if a link is placed on the higher part, the more value it has.

Myth #7: Internal links won’t boost your rankings in the SERPs

  • Undoubtedly, external links mentioning your websites are important, but internal links has an important role too. When you connect interrelated blog posts together, you then create what SEO experts call as a “topic cluster.”

Related: 3 Tips to Improve Link Building Efforts

3 Linking Strategies that You Should Not Believe (Part 1)

SEO practitioners and online businesses know that links are one of the important ranking factors. Google would look into the quality of links a website has. If you want your website to be on top of the game, skipping the links would be a terrible idea. You should formulate a link building scheme.

Venn Diagram on Different Strategies

However, the problem is not a lot people know how to build the proper links. There are tell tales on how to do it and people just follow it without knowing the truth.

No, you shouldn’t jump into the bandwagon. To know whether a link building plan is a myth or not, you need to carefully research. That’s why I decided to make this article. I want to shed light and warn you about the myths that has been lingering on the internet. Here are the link building strategies you should not follow this 2019:

Myth #1: Guest blogging is no longer effective.

  • In 2014, there were rumors that guest blogging won’t help boost a website. People misinterpreted Matt Cutt when he said, “Guest blogging is done.” Everyone thought that guest blogging is a useless effort and it wouldn’t get you anywhere.
  • The truth is, people took it literally. They didn’t care to understand the whole content of Matt Cutt’s statement. Matt further clarified that what he was trying to say is that guest blogging is a dead if you just post useless things and upload consecutive spammy articles.
  • Up to this day, guest blogging is still an effective way to build links. One should consider writing sensible and relevant posts. Don’t post just because you need to do a guest post on someone else’s website.

Related: Helpful Tips if You Decide to Do Guest Blogging

Myth #2: Links not related to your field are shabby links

  • Whether links are relevant to your field or not, it does not matter just as long as they are from top sites. The main point here is that one authoritative website will link back to your site.
  • Of course, for other websites to mention your website, you need to publish a content that is worth sharing. It starts with you!
  • Just make sure your content is helpful to your audience then you will surely get links. Google will not penalize you for having links from sites on a different niche. Furthermore, Google is not the type to discriminate links just as long as they are not of suspicious origins.

Related: 3 Tips to Improve Link Building Efforts

Myth #3: Putting links into just one content are not advisable

  • Generally, people think that adding multiple links to just one article could have negative effects. No, there is no such thing as “too many links.” Again, as long as these links are from authoritative websites then they are good.
  • If you are adding links because these topics are related, that’s fine. You have a purpose for adding these links. However, if your plan is to add the same link over and over, that’s already spamming. It’s a wrong move to do. Remember, if links are low-quality and spammy, Google will penalize your website or give a demerit to your backlink profile.
  • At the end of the day, Google is concerned on the quality of links, and not the quantity of links. Try to build organic links, and don’t try to add one just because you need to put a link.

Related: 2 Backlink Tools You Can Use to Check Link Quality

5 Steps to Increase Website Speed

Previously, I gave you the 3 main advantages of improving website speed. Now, I will go into the details on how to exactly enhance page speed. To be honest, speed can be quickly increase if you apply these 5 methods below:

1. Compress files

  • In compressing, you can use online tools such as gzip.org. Gzip will you squeeze HTML files into one. In turn, it will reduce space consumed and it also reduce the HTTP response time. Reminder, in compressing image files, do not use Gzip because it will alter the original image quality.

2. Optimize images

  • When uploading images to your site, make sure you are putting the appropriate size. Of course, a huge picture will mean huge file size. Once you sum up all the images, it would collectively result to a large web page size. Thus, affecting page load time.
  • If your website uses a lot of images, try to resize these images to the just the right amount.

3. Lessen the unnecessary white spaces

  • HTML and texts can accumulate and it will add up to your total page size. Whether these texts are line returns or comments, it will still impact the overall page load time. It can contribute to anywhere from 10% to 20%. So, inspect every line of code to save space and ensure better website performance.

4. Leverage browser caching

  • Every time a user visits your website, it collects a cache of images, scripts, and many others. So, if a visitor decides to go to your website again, it won’t have to collect the same thing all over again. Thus, page load time will decrease and the web page will appear faster.

5. Improve server response time

  • When looking at your server response time, you need to aim for a figure below 200ms.


man looking at page metrics using a laptop

Tools in Analyzing Success

After applying the tips above, it’s also essential to monitor the website speed. How to keep an eye with the changes in a website’s performance? You can use any of these FREE online tools mentioned below:

Pingdom Speed Test

  • Once you visit Pingdom’s website, there’s an obvious text box where in you will paste your URL and just click on start test. From time to time, you can use this manually. However, if you want to automate the process, you can sign up for their services.
  • Basically, Pingdom will test a websites’ uptime and performance in order to provide a better user experience. It will give you detailed reports on the performance grade, page analysis, average page size, and page load time.

Google PageSpeed Insights

  • Google provided this tool to help make your pages fast in all devices. With PageSpeed Insights, you just need to input your URL and Google will a grade your website from 1 to 100. If the score is 90 and beyond, that is a fast website. A score of 50 to 90 means average. Meanwhile, 49 and below would indicate a slow website.
  • This tool will test both desktop and mobile versions of a website. PageSpeed Insights (PSI) will also give suggestions on how a web page can further improve.


  • Lastly, there’s the GTmetrix tool. Once you submit your URL for analysis, the GTmetrix report will tell you the performance scores (PageSpeed Score & YSlow Score) and page details (Full Load Time, Total Page Size, and Requests.)
  • The distinct feature of GTmetrix compared to other tools available is that you can will know whether it is from a desktop or mobile device and whether it is from a DSL cable connection or a dial-up connection.


Today, it is important to optimize your website speed and monitor the changes so you can quickly adapt to the ever-changing digital sphere. There many available SEO tools out there that are free so take advantage of these things in order to further satisfy your customers’ wants.

Advantages of Enhancing Website Speed

Usually, internet users are used to instant answers, instant solutions, instant product delivery, and anything instant really. Speed has become an important factor for most people. Google knows this also because they made “speed” a top ranking factor in 2010.

The PageRank algorithm made sure that crawlers evaluated websites if it were able to load swiftly. In fact, according a Google research, 53% of mobile users opt to leave a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. Imagine, more than half of your web visitors would leave once they notice a turtle speed.

three people sitting in front of table laughing together

Fast website = Happy customers

Without a doubt, there is a direct connection between website speed and visitor retention. If they would leave immediately, another crucial page metric would be affected. That would be the bounce rate. So, if you want boost customer satisfaction, address page speed first and everything else will follow.

From time to time, it is imperative to test page speed. If it isn’t yet, then you better check your website’s swiftness. From Google’s point of view, if a website takes forever to load, Google won’t able to crawl every web page on your site. Search engines only allocate a certain crawl budget. Certainly, Google won’t wait all day for your website to load. Don’t be surprise if your website will receive a failing score.

What are the advantages of improving page speed?

Of course, page speed doesn’t only affect one portion of your website. In fact, it affects a wide array of areas.

1. Enhance the user experience.

  • It only takes a 1 second delay and the visitors’ satisfaction will go down by 16%. For a measly second, that’s a huge effect!
  • Not only that, 79% of the users will not buy your products because they already notice the delay in speed.
  • Today, users will surely leave a website if the page load time takes a long, long time. When you choose to address website speed, users can easily browse your website effortlessly. Whether it’s looking for products or reading your website’s content, speed is essential in making sure the users are happy.

2. Higher conversion rates.

  • If you look at data from the UK, it tells you the same thing. 67% of shoppers from the UK will abandon their shopping carts. If there’s a substantial change in website speed, the conversion rate can go up anywhere between 10 – 20%. That’s just for one-second improvement. Just imagine what a 5-second improvement would do to your website!
  • Google’s Marissa Mayer shared how half a second delay affected a website. She said that a mere 0.5 second delay can cause web traffic to go down by 20%!

3. Better rank in the search results.

  • When Google implemented the PageRank algorithm update, speed became an important factor. Google will take into consideration a website’s page loading time and speed. Thus, if you want to have better rankings, focus on website speed.
  • Moreover, Google crawlers can assess your website faster if your web pages load swiftly. This would mean that you have more web pages that would rank well on the search results.


As Marissa Mayer said in the Web 2.0 Conference, “Users really respond to speed.” The takeaway here can be summed up to one sentence: page speed matters. Most users do not like to wait. Personally, I don’t too! So, for the next post, I will discuss 8 Steps to Increase Website Speed.

Reasons Why Your SEO Strategy Isn’t as Effective (Part 2)

Last time, I discussed 3 reasons why your SEO strategy failed. They are having mediocre continent, unreliable web host, and insufficient backlinks. Now, I will discuss 3 more reasons behind this phenomenon.

Man looking frustrated while staring at his laptop

Your SEO campaign is unsuccessful because…

  1. You failed to acknowledge the latest Google Algorithm updates.
  • As SEO professionals, it’s not easy to keep up with the amount of updates. From time to time, Google releases major updates. We all can’t do anything about it except to heed with their changes.
  • At all times, every website should observe these Google updates. If not, the rankings will suffer. Don’t expect your website to appear on the 1st page of the SERPs.
  • There are numerous Google Algorithm updates namely Panda, Hummingbird, Penguin, Fred, and many others. Penguin, for instance, responsible for bringing down websites that violate Google’s guidelines. If you apply Black Hat SEO techniques, then say goodbye to your website. That’s why buying links for your site will cost you money and it will also endanger your website.
  • On the other hand, Panda ensures that you won’t see bad search results when using Google. It is making sure that what you will be seeing will only be high-quality websites. So, always strive to provide excellent content to your audience because Google is always watching your every step.
  • More algorithmic updates will be available in the future. Regularly check the Webmasters Blog and the official Google Blog for latest developments in the world of tech and SEO.
  1. Website has a high bounce rate.
  1. Implementing obsolete SEO schemes.
  • Well, the most straightforward reason why your SEO strategy is not working is because your tactics are out-of-date. Like what I said on number 4, you need to keep up with updates. These algorithm updates will be on the lookout for old SEO trends. Then, Google will apply the necessary actions.
  • To name a few, you should not be doing keyword-related schemes such as keyword stuffing, keyword abuse, keyword cannibalism. Link schemes such as link directories and link buying is a huge NO! Please do not apply any of these bad link habits!
  • You will only get over this stage if you know the current (and obsolete) trends.  In order to not bring your PageRank scores further down the drain, read these tips on how not to endanger your PageRank scores.


There are still other reasons why your SEO strategy is not as effective. Remember, SEO is something you cannot rush. Results will NOT show up in a blink of an eye! Yes, it will take some time so you really need to have patience and determination above all else.

Reasons Why Your SEO Strategy Isn’t as Effective (Part 1)

In the world of SEO, it’s surely a stiff competition. Everyone is determined to be ahead of others. Maintaining your website’s ranking is in itself tough. Plus, you have to keep with the latest SEO trends so that your rankings won’t decrease. It is definitely a difficult task to ensure that a website meets the standards of Google.

Woman sitting in front of her desk and looking frustrated at her laptop

There are many reasons why an SEO campaign is not working as it should. If your website isn’t showing any signs of improvement, then you might consider looking at these 3 reasons listed below.

  1. Having inferior and mediocre content
  • The number 1 culprit would be content. Google has expressed countless times that content should be every site’s top priority. In order for your SEO campaign to succeed, you must publish content that your users’ want. Seriously, what is the use of a published article if no one is reading it?
  • Behind every content, there has to be a purpose. Whether it is to entertain, educate, or inform readers, it should be able to achieve its goal. One way to test if a content is working or not, there are has to be an audience viewership. In short, page views.
  • Like what I said earlier, if no one is reading it, there must be something wrong. Consider rewriting your content and apply these 10 Tips in Writing Better Content. For your website to be visited, content has to be interesting or educational. If the audience won’t get anything from it, then it is of no use. You better just delete it and retain only the useful content.
  • As a website, your goal is to provide high-quality content. Aside from it being able to get the attention of your audience, it has to follow the rules of the English grammar. Furthermore, it has to be an all original article. You should not copy anyone’s work!
  • To check for any content duplicates, you can use online services such as Copyscape. It is a tool plagiarism detection.

Related: 5 Ways to Get More Views for Your Video Content

  1. Hosting is inept and inadequate
  • The hosting choice also has a role in all this. If your web host provider is NOT reliable, then you are throw your dreams of ranking well out the window.
  • It is extremely important to choose a web host that is skilled. Invest on the right web host. Just because it is cheap, then it is automatically the best choice.
  • Again, the operative word is “reliable”. If it can’t guarantee that your website will be operational 24/7, then better skip it. If the server is constantly down, then your users will have problems accessing your website. You wouldn’t want that, right?
  1. Backlink profile isn’t as strong
  • Aside from content, another factor that Google looks into is the links pointing to your website. Of course, if there are a lot of brands or websites mentioning you, then that is a good sign of links.
  • However, if your links are shady, Google will be suspicious where you got these links. Disavow these suspicious backlinks using Google’s disavow tool.
  • You will surely fail in the backlinks portion if you are after of the quantity of links. Google never uses the number of links as basis for your backlink profile. If you want to succeed in the rankings game, then don’t apply these 6 bad link habits.

Related: Backlink Tools to Check the Link Quality

Need more? Reasons Why Your SEO Strategy Isn’t as Effective (Part 2)

Where Do Local Citations Come From?

Local citations may not seem like much more than a few lines of information about your business, but they are actually very important elements of Local SEO optimization. Every time Google finds an instance of your business’ name, phone number and address online, it adds to your business’ authority and gives you a boost in its local rankings. Some citations can even send traffic to both your store and your website if they are good enough quality.

Here are the best places to get reviews from and what you need to know about them.


Google My Business

The first place you should be getting a citation is from Google itself. You get this citation by signing up to Google My Business and filling in all of the information available to you. Not only is this a fantastic citation for your business, but a strong Google My Business profile will increase your Google presence and send more traffic to both your store and your website.


Structured Citations

Most citations that you create for your business will come in the form of online directories. These are usually very general business directories, but some can be specific to a type of business or a city. Most of these general listings will require the same kind of information and will be laid out in the same way. Specifically, they will require your business’ name, address and phone number, but they may also ask for more information like your opening hours and your URL.

Examples of directories include:

  • Apple Maps
  • Bing
  • Facebook
  • Foursquare
  • Infogroup
  • Localeze
  • Yelp

Don’t stop at just these websites, it’s important to create as many citations as possible. That means submitting your business to dozens of business directories.


Specialized Listings

As we have just said above, some directories are specific to a particular industry or geographic area, like a city. These aren’t worthwhile for businesses that aren’t in that industry or geographic area, but they area fantastic citation sources for businesses that are relevant. Not only can these directories offer citations, they usually have high traffic levels, which means referrals to your website.

Tripadvisor is a great example of this kind of directory. They only list hospitality related businesses and can send a significant amount of traffic to the website of restaurants and hotels.


Unstructured Citations

Citations don’t just have to come from business directories and other formalized websites. You can also create your own unstructured citations whenever your business is mentioned on the web. Whether it’s in a news article, a blog post or on social media, any mention of your business’ information online all counts. Traditional PR tactics are a great way to generate these kinds of mentions.


Business website

Finally, you shouldn’t forget that your business website is another great source of citations. If you have one location or store, make sure to include the address and phone number on every page of your website. If you have several locations, create a separate page for each one in order to create multiple citations on your website.

What Is A Local SEO Citation?

Local SEO can be incredibly valuable for businesses of all types and sizes. The higher up your business ranks in Google’s Map Pack the more people will visit both your store and website.

There are a lot of ways to optimize your local SEO presence. One of them is creating citations. But what exactly are citations and how do they help with your local SEO efforts.


What is a Citation?

A citation in local SEO terms is any reference of your physical business found online. Typically, citations are found on business directories, but you can also create a citation of your business on Youtube, Facebook and other platforms.

A citation must include at least three important details of your business:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number

These are absolutely essential and a citation isn’t really a citation without them. That’s because these are the three things that Google looks for. A citation can include more information, however, like your website URL and your business’ opening times.


Get Your Citation in the Right Places

The hard part about citations isn’t just creating them, it’s building them in the right places. THe vast majority of citations that you create will be made on online business directories which act as online yellow pages.

Most of these will be national or even international and contain businesses of all types. Some, however, will be dedicated to specific industries or geographic areas. Because of this, you don’t want to create citations willy nilly. There will be some websites where your citation isn’t relevant and it isn’t worth creating one. Not only will it add no value but it could even confuse Google.

You should also take a look at the authority of the website when creating citations. Prioritize high authority websites when creating citations and bear in mind that it might be worth creating citations on very low authority websites.

Confused as to where to create citations? Start with these ten websites:

  • Google My Business
  • Facebook
  • Apple Maps
  • LinkedIn Company Directory
  • Yelp
  • Bing
  • Better Business Bureau
  • MapQuest
  • Foursquare
  • HubSpot


Optimizing Your Citation for Search Engines

For your citations to be worthwhile, you will need to include your business’ NAP (it’s name, address and phone number). These are the most important pieces of information for you to provide.

But you want to be careful about how you write them. Every time you write your business’ name, address and phone number, it should be written in exactly the same way and format. Inconsistencies can confuse Google and cause your rankings to drop.

In some cases, directories will give you the opportunity to add more information to your listings. This can include:

  • Business hours
  • Email address
  • Company description
  • Multimedia (i.e. photos, videos)
  • An overview of your products and/or services

You should always take the opportunity to add more information where possible. This won’t just provide Google with more information to help rank you, but it can also provide potential customers with the information they need to choose your business.

Here’s Why Your Local SEO Sucks

How well are you ranking in Google’s local results? Are you sitting pretty in the map pack for your focus keywords? Or are you nowhere to be found? If it’s the latter then there’s a good chance that you are doing something wrong. There’s an even better chance of this being the case if you are doing local SEO on your own without the help of an agency.

But it’s not easy to work out what you are doing wrong if you aren’t an expert. Byt don’t worry, we are here to help. Here’s the most likely reasons why your SEO sucks.


Website issues

Your business’ website is the center of your online world. That’s why so many SEO efforts center around it. Firstly, if you don’t have a website, you’re really going to struggle to rank at all. You’ll only have your Google My Business listing for help and that isn’t much. But even if you do have a website, things can still go wrong.

Here are the most common problems that make websites bad for SEO:


  • No location pages. If you want to rank well, you need to have location pages for every store or office you have, even if you just have one
  • Website is not accessible. Your website needs to be responsive if you want to rank well in Google. If people can’t use it on every device, they aren’t going to use it at all and that’s going to cause your rankings to drop.
  • Not optimized. If you haven’t optimized your content, titles and headings for your main keywords, Google isn’t going to rank your website for those phrases. You need to tell Google what you want to rank for.


Bad citations

Business owners create citations thinking that they will help them rank even higher in Google’s Map Pack. And they are right, if done correctly, they will help businesses rank higher. But if they are done poorly, they can ruin your local SEO rankings.

Poor citations are inconsistent citations. When your business name, phone number and address aren’t listed consistently across every single citation that you create, Google is going to get confused. When Google gets confused with your business information, it’s not going to rank you highly.

Keep your citations consistent if you want to rank well.


No or poor reviews

One of the most important parts of local SEO, apart from your website and your Google My Business page, are your business’ reviews. The more high quality reviews you have, the more likely you are to rank highly in Google. For the most part, Google will list well reviewed businesses above poorly reviewed businesses when all else is equal.

If you have no reviews for your business or the reviews you have are bad, you are going to struggle to rank. Turning this around is essential. Firstly, make sure that you are offering a quality service and that customers are happy. That way you know you are going to get good reviews. Then start asking all your customers to leave a review on your GMB profile. Most people won’t bother unless you ask them, so make sure that you do!

The Importance of Reviews for Local SEO

Consumers absolutely adore reviews. Especially when they are shopping online. That’s because it can be hard to know who and what to trust when buying items online. You can’t touch, feel or try a product out. You can only go off pictures and the product description. But reviews provide another avenue of information and help consumers read opinions and thoughts from the people who have actually used the products. It’s the 21st century version of word of mouth marketing.

Reviews don’t just provide customers with expert and knowledgeable insight, they also help consumers quickly narrow down their choices. There are so many options available to consumers right now that it can be impossible to choose. Reviews provide a way to quickly shortlist businesses. Those with great reviews get shortlisted, those with bad reviews get ignored.

Google also uses reviews, too. The search giant uses them to help rank businesses in its local map pack. The more high quality reviews a business has, the higher they rank.


Why Reviews Are Effective

Reviews provide a way to get real insight from people who know what they are talking about. Sometimes, these people will be product experts who do reviews for a living. But most of the time these will be normal people without an agenda who are just giving an honest opinion on a product or service they have used.

It’s these kind of reviews that matter most and are so effective. When customers have no idea whether a product or service will be worth it for them, reviews help them to quickly form an idea. They can be the difference between a consumer hitting buy or picking up the phone and closing the website.


Why Your Business Needs Reviews for Local SEO

It’s not just online businesses such as eCommerce stores that need reviews, local businesses also need lots of reviews, too. That’s because online searchers face the same uncertainty over businesses as they do over products.

There are several ways getting lots of reviews can help your business. For one, it will make consumers much more likely to visit your store or pick up the phone and speak to you. Loads of negative reviews is a turn off, but loads of positive reviews act as a huge seal of approval.

Loads of positive reviews can also help you get more traffic from Google. The more high quality reviews that you have, the higher Google will rank you in it’s local map pack.

Now you know why reviews are so important and so effective, let’s look at how to make sure they benefit your business.


Integrating reviews into your local SEO

There are only two guaranteed ways to make sure the reviews that your business gets impact your local SEO positively. The first is to make sure that all the reviews are as positive as can be. That means you’ll need to offer an exceptional service. The second is to make sure that all reviews get posted to your Google My Business page. While Google can take reviews from other websites into account, it’s better to be safe rather than sorry, right?

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