Widening the Effects of Your SEO Efforts? (Part 2)

So, the second part is finally here. I am going to list the items that you should include in your SEO checklist.

I have already touched the surface on part 1. If haven’t read that yet, you better check it out.  For this post, I will explain in detail what the SEO factors are, and how it influences the search engines to understand your website better.

Of course, if it can easily scan your content, the search engines can give you a spot on the first page on the results page. Are you ready? Let’s continue on right away…

Girl explaining the SEO analysis

  • The Meta Description
    • After the title tag, it is the meta description’s turn. If these 2 are well-written, your page gets more clicks. Because it tells the search engines that this page is constantly being accessed, the search engine will automatically bump your page up in terms of ranking.
    • The ideal number is a max of 160 characters. So, please create a meta description around that limit.
    • Same with the title, if the meta description is confusing, no one would dare click your page. It is best to give a general overview of your post. Keep the words simple and easy for everyone to understand.
    • Also, include relevant keywords to help you rank and get better SEO scores.
  • The Breadcrumbs
    • Add some breadcrumbs to help everyone browsing your website to retrace their steps especially if it took them several clicks to get to that page.
    • There should be a guide on where they are, how they got to this point. So, in case they get lost while navigating, they can quickly find the pages relevant to their search. It would be frustrating to start the search all over again.
    • You can simply add text links to guide the web visitors, and these text links should be at the top so they can obviously see the URL structure.
      • I’m sure you already tried clicking the wrong page of a website. You wanted this page, but you accidentally clicked this page. Thus, breadcrumbs serve an important purpose in site navigation.
      • Also, the breadcrumbs help your web visitors and the search engines to know the hierarchy of your website. They can identify the different categories and topics. Thus, they quickly identify the articles that are related to each other.
      • Lastly, breadcrumbs ensure an enjoyable browsing experience because of the detailed URL structure. For example, you are looking for books on Amazon. In there, there text links that will tell you about the specific genre. Once you click mystery genre for example, you can easily browse for books under the same genre.
  • A Link Within a Page
    • Speaking of books, it is also important to add something similar to “a table of contents” on a specific web page.
    • This is helpful when you are explaining about a topic in great detail. You can just add jump links to a specific section. So, the web visitors can just go to the section that interests them, and skip the areas they don’t want.
    • Look at Wikipedia, they provide jump links on every  web page. For example, you searched for the dog breed Akita. There will be jump links for the overview of the breed, the Akita breed history, the description, the expected health, and etc. So, if I’m only interested on knowing the dog’s appearance and coat, I will immediately go to the description section.
    • It simplifies things if you offer jump links. Not to mention, it saves you a lot of time! No need to scan a page from top to bottom.

Widening the Effects of Your SEO Efforts? (Part 1)

An effective SEO strategy totally depends on the ability of the search engines to discover your content. Search engines, like Google, should be able to successfully crawl your website for any vital information. Then, it can give a verdict on what rank to give your website.

They are continually doing their job to improve site crawling. We should do our part, too!

It is our responsibility to help the search engines to detect our website and its content. So, how do we go about it?

Group of people analyzing SEO efforts

The game plan in expanding your SEO efforts.

The trial-and-error method

As cliché as it seems, yes, this is the most basic way to do it.

Try to create a new web page, publish new content, post here and there. There’s no definite game plan here; just try everything and see what works and what does not.

It’s more of being an impromptu yet fun approach. Seeing how everything flows spontaneously. If you’re lucky, you can hit the jackpot.

However, the trial-and-error method can also be time-consuming and ineffective.

Follow a process.

You have to be the opposite of spontaneous. Why do you think huge companies like Amazon, Walmart, and Costco are successful? They all follow a process.

All the successful companies follow a steady system to better serve their customers.

You just can’t randomly concoct a drink every time someone orders coffee. Starbucks follows a recipe on their drinks.

The same goes for SEO; there should be a consistent approach for everything on your website. Consistent effort, consistent message, and consistent quality on all the products.

Develop a details plan to help check if your processes are indeed consistent at all times. So, for this post, I will list down a certain structure to follow in order to make sure you get the most of your SEO efforts.

What should be included in your checklist? It’s all listed below. To help search engines discover your website faster and better, you need to apply these changes:

  • The Title Tag
    • Let’s start from head to toe, and of course, the first one is the title tag. This is definitely a valuable on-page SEO factor.
    • The title does not only help the web visitors, but also the search engines. It will obviously tell them what the page is all about.
    • Google supports the first 70 characters. So, if your title goes beyond that, your title will be cut short by an ellipsis.
    • Try to formulate a within the given character limit. If you have no idea what to title to give a specific topic, you can consult a title/content generator like Portent’s Title Maker tool.
    • If your title is uninteresting, who would click it?
    • Imagine seeing this title on the search engine results: “Best Burger in Florida | Best Burger Restaurant | Best Delicious Burger”
    • 1), the words are redundant. You are obviously overusing certain words. 2) the title is confusing. No one would dare to read something convoluted as that. The title alone makes my head hurt. So, I would understand if people would stay away from that page.

I will be discussing more things to be included on your checklist. So, check again later!


Part 2 is posted right here!!!

More Tips on Improving On-site Search

I’m back for another post on improving the search experience of your web visitors. Previously, I discussed the importance of adding a search box and how it influences positive results for your website.

woman using a magnifying glass

If you haven’t, you can catch up here. Once you’re ready, continue on reading part 2. Below are the additional tips designing and installing your search box:

  • The Search Box Should Aim to Improve Incorrect Keywords
    • Anticipate misspellings of words. Your search box must be adaptable to changes of the terms and possible errors in the spelling.
    • No one is perfect. Sooner or later, someone make a mistake. So, to anticipate future mistakes, the search functionality should be:
      • Flexible: should not be case sensitive
        • Whether one types in in lowercase or uppercase, the results should not differ.
      • Knowledgeable: should consider singular or plural words
        • Whether the words used are wither singular or plural, there should be similar results.
      • Able to distinguish American and British English
        • If one types in British, there should be suggestions using the American spelling, and vice versa.
        • For example, when one types “colour”, there should be a prompt saying: do you mean “color”?
      • Able to ignore STOP WORDS
        • Words such as “a”, “on”, “of”, “the”, “and”, “in” are considered stop words.
        • The search box should ignore these terms. Because if it is included, then, all of your content will show up on the results page.
        • These words are unavoidable so most blog posts, if not all, will contain these stop words. So, the search functionality should be able to detect them to provide better results.
      • Able to detect special characters
        • If any of your content contains characters such as “ñ”, “é”, “ü” and etc, your search box should be accommodating of the common spellings.
        • For example, when one searches for Beyonce instead of Beyoncé, the results should be the same.
        • Words with special characters are common among words of German, Spanish, or French origins.
  • The Search Box Should Support Predictive Search
    • Predictive search shows suggestions basing on what the user typed on the search box. When this is supported, it helps to…
      • Accelerate the search procedure.
      • Enhance the search quality because it avoids the common misspellings and typos
      • Provide any related content to the keyword.
    • When there are keyword suggestions, it will give the user similar pages related to their search.
    • For example, I will type “dress” and then, the predictive search would suggest things like such as “casual dress”, “cocktail dress”, “maxi dress”, “formal dress”, “summer dress”, and so on.
    • It’s very convenient especially if you are shopping and you have no idea what dress to pick.
    • Some websites add a category option beside the search box. Take Amazon for example, and look at the drop-down next to the search box. You can choose a category on where to find “dress”.
    • Perhaps, you are look for a book on the Kindle Store with the word “dress” on the title. You could also be searching for a “dress” movie on the Amazon Prime section.
    • Lastly, users should also have the option to close the predictive search option. By pressing the ESC key, they should be able to close the suggestion list and type for their desired keywords instead.

The Link Between SEO & On-site Search

We all know content is important in SEO, but the thing is… once you have an overwhelming number of articles, it’s going to be pretty hard to search.

It’s like searching for a needle in a haystack. More superior content would mean a more useful site.

However, content won’t be easy to find. That’s pretty sure.

searching using a magnifying glass

searching using a magnifying glass

Navigation Won’t Be Enough.

Maybe, you would think enhancing the website navigation would just do the trick.

Sadly, no. You surely would not put every blog post under one menu. The sub-menus under the blog section would go on forever.

The truth is: not every web page, article, or any other published content will have its own designated section on the main menu. If the searchers need anything, they would need to scour for it. Whether they are looking for a product or a contact number, they should know where to look.

To guide these searchers to the correct page, there should be a designated search box within your website.

The Search Is On!

The search box, or internal site search functionality, is a common feature is most websites especially e-commerce sites. Just think of your website as a huge library. You won’t be able to find the right books without the librarian. You need something to help you search the website for the things you need.

The Different Search Tools

There are numerous search boxes you find online. From paid options to open source alternatives, you will surely find a search box that fits your website.

Most CMS and website builders provide a built-in search function within their system. Aside from that, you add more features by installing additional plugins. There are also websites who choose to make their own search box.

A Usable Search Box.

I won’t tell you to build your own search box, or rely on the built-in functionality. At the end of the day, it’s a matter of preference. So, choose what you want. Instead, I will share with you the tips in creating a search box.

  • Make the Search Box Apparent.

    • The search box should help people search, and it should NOT be the other way around. Your users should NOT search for the search box.
    • For Pete’s sake, put your search box somewhere obvious. Do not hide it under the main menus or any collapsible part of the website.
  • The Search Box Should Have a Definite Call to Action.

    • Don’t just present a blank box for your users to type their keywords. It is best to add a “search” button or magnifying glass button. This would imply that it is the search button.
    • Also, add a microcopy on the search box itself. Why? This is to guide the users on what to type. You can insert a line such as:
      • Type in your keywords
      • What are looking for?
      • What are searching for?
      • Search here…
      • Type here…
    • The actual words you will use really depends on you. To be sure, don’t skip this step.
    • Just put a text prompt inside the search box. This will be confirmation to the users. Indeed, this is the search box.

Don’t worry, this is just the beginning. I will discuss more search box tips on the next post. Keep your eyes peeled for part 2!

SEO Strategy: Knowing Your Competitors & Non-Competitors

If you were to list your direct competitors, you would probably name the top 3 without hesitating.

Are you sure that these companies are your only competitors? Could there be others that could pose as a threat to your business? Seems far-fetched, right?

Well, actually not.

basketball competition

More Than You Think.

  • When you hear the word “competitors”, you instantly think about the websites that sell the same products as you. Yes, that is considered competition. However, there’s more to it.
  • There are other websites, blog sites, tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram photos, and other social media platforms that compete with you. Once you search a business, you would immediately see the social media pages of these businesses.

Social Media IS Dominating.

  • You know what fills the first page of the search engine results page? You are competing with different pages… and YES, EVEN THOSE PAGES UNRELATED TO YOUR BUSINESS!
  • The social media, in general, is gaining a lot of following. People are eager to get on these sites. So, if you think it’s not worry because they are not your competition, you still competing against the distant businesses.

Related: Using Social Media to Boost Advocacy

Your Non-Competitors Are Taking the Top Spots.

Of course, other business would go after the same target keywords as you. This fact can’t be avoided.

Several websites would write about a single keywords, and it’s up to you on how you are going to make your content stand out from the rest.

For you, you may not be after the money, but everyone in this field is after the audience. We are all competing to get our target audience.

For example, you are checking for results on “Party Cake Suppliers”. The results are not purely cake businesses. Whether you believe it or not, there are songs about cakes and they take a coveted spot.

Your job is to find ways to unseat them. It does not matter who gets removed as long as you get a chance to take their place.

To prepare for this, you need some oldie but goodie SEO tactics:

  • Do keyword research.
  • Produce content related to these keywords and terms.
  • Edit your content’s title, meta description, URL, and other on-page SEO factors.
  • The goal here is to be fully aware of the searcher’s intent.

When they search for “Party Cake Suppliers”, are they looking for cake ingredients to buy? Perhaps, they want to buy a customized cake? Maybe they are merely looking for cake baking tips and are looking for suggested brands?

Related: A List of Important On-Page SEO Elements

The Thing with Social Media.

  • Social media is a tricky place because it is the place where everyone can publish any content.
  • Even your audience can regularly send out posts. The thing is you are competing with your audience.
  • What’s worse is that social media sites always update their algorithms. Your posts won’t been seen by many if no one engages with it.
  • User interaction is important for your social posts to be visible. Well, unless you pay for additional boosting then you won’t worry about your posts getting toppled by other social posts.

Create More of What Your Users Want.

The online community is such a competitive world. The only way to be different is to go where you users are. Produce more content based from their needs, interests, and hobbies.

Related: What Is User Engagement and Why Is It Important for SEO?

Focusing on User Experience and the Overall Website Experience

SEO has many factors. In most cases, one SEO factor is reliant on another. So, you can’t say this factor won’t yield positive effects. Because when all these essential SEO factors are optimized, for sure, it will generate the results you want.

We all know it starts with content, and your website should provide content that is useful and relevant to the users. Understanding the search intent is the best way you can probably produce the content your users wants and needs.

lightning speed motorcycle


However, if your web pages load slowly, how will ever get to read the content you took time to piece together?

The truth is, users do not like to wait for a long time, and they sure are impatient if you ask them to spare a few seconds more. To wait isn’t something you can afford to ask your users.


If you ask your users to wait for 1s to 3s, the chances to bounce to another site is only 32%. However, if it reaches 5s, the bounce rate jumps to 90%. It even skyrockets over 100% if the moment it reaches 6s of impatiently waiting.

I can’t blame the users though. Personally, I would feel the same. Surely, it’s frustrating to wait for the page to load. Waiting for a few seconds seems like forever!

Obviously, the page load time and processing speed are important factors to them. At the end of the day, we should all aim to improve websites to gain the trust and confidences of our users.


We should look at website speed and personalize it depending on the users and their wants.

However, website performance would totally depend on the current environment of each user. You can plan to better the user experience by considering these crucial factors:

  • The device used to browse,
  • The internet connection of the user,
  • The specific journey of the user.
  1. Consider the User’s Device

  • Of course, everything about user experience depends on the device used. For you to consider website performance, consider the device used to browse the site.
    • Progressive Enhancement
      • This type of enhancement emphasizes on the accessibility. Applying changes to improve page accessibility and adding more web page features to accommodate the different users.
    • Graceful Degradation
      • The other option is the exact opposite. Graceful degradation refers to reducing features to make the user experience less complicated. The user can switch off element certain web elements if the device can’t handle avant-garde features.
  1. Learn About Their Internet Connection

  • This is an important factor particularly for the mobile users. Because we are constantly on the go, the internet connect changes. It can fluctuate and become intermittent.
  • Just as long as you can allow your users to view your website even on a 2G (or higher) connection.
  • Generally, if the user has a 4G connection, it’s okay to load videos and have a visually rich browsing experience.
  • If the user has a 2G or 3G connection, you can convert the video to an image instead.
  1. Know Each User’s Journey

  • What do your user want? Is he browsing your website to shop, to find information, and to attain services?
  • Help the user find the right way to the page he wants. You must be able to address using the shortest possible route.
  • So, when he goes to this page, what pages would he likely visit next? Offer internal linking to related pages.
  • If the user can swiftly move from a page to another, there’s a feeling of quickness.

Boost Your Rankings Through These Image Optimization Techniques

Why do we need to optimize images? What does it bring to your site?

For starters, when images are optimized, the page loads faster. When a website is fast, rankings would be higher than the usual.

a set of assorted images

So, we all can safely say that image optimization can lead to higher web rankings. You should never undermine its positive effects to your website.

According to a 2016 Google study, it was proven that web pages loaded with images had lower conversion rates. It’s no surprise because pages filled with images will take long to completely load. No web visitor would like to wait for a long time.

That’s why it is imperative for websites to compress all their images. Below are the tips on editing your images to ensure a fast page load time while maintain a pleasant user experience:

1. To Add an Image or Not to Add?

That is the question. Always check if you really need an image for a web page. Is this particular image essential to the overall web design?

The rise of minimalism is because of the fact that users want to preserve the ideal UX more than the aesthetics. When there are less images, of course, the website will load better and also perform better.

For most web pages, images can’t be avoided. Because for some, these images are the center piece of the whole website.

Instead of focusing on the images to make your website better, you can utilize:

  • Vector graphics to simplify logos and other designs.
  • Embed the videos and drop the heavy GIFs.

The advantage of vector images is that it has a great resolution when viewed on equally high resolution devices.

Search engines can’t decipher the texts when you add it on images. One way to make sure that Google does not ignore the texts is use web fonts instead.

2. Use Image Compression Tools

Well, you can manually optimize your images. How?

  • First tip: resize the image
  • Second tip: compress the image

Yes, that can ensure faster page load time. However, when you manually do it, you will finish the image compression after 5 long years.

No, it won’t take years, but you get the point.

There are tools that will help you finish the task faster and make image compression easier.

For WordPress users, install Imagify and you can compress your images immediately. The best part is that the images are saved in your image library. You won’t be needing to upload each one. Thus, it saves you time.

Imagify supports both JPG and PNG image files. It will surely boost your website’s page load speed.

Reminder, a lossy compression may affect the image quality. However, it will reduce your image file size. Images will then be evidently light.

3. Use the Latest Image File Formats

The JPG has a lossy compression while the PNG has a lossless compression.

Basically, these 2 are the fundamental image formats. Did you know there are newer image formats?

These are: JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, and WebP. These formats preserves the original aspect ratios. Thus, you are sure that pages will load faster on mobile phones.

However, the downside is that WebP is the only format supported by Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

5 Ways to Get More Views for Your Content

Yes, people have mastered optimizing blog posts. However, they keep forgetting another form of content.

Most SEO marketers neglect the benefits of video content. Like lengthy articles, publishing videos online needs some polishing, too!

person editing a video on a laptop

If you refer to the Searchmetrics’ 2018 study, you will know that videos are visible to 23% of all mobile results and 22% of all desktop results. Meanwhile, news and other blog snippets only account to 16% of the mobile results. Clearly, videos have a huge potential to make it big. Users see it often on their mobile search engine results page.

So, the question now is… how to do we get people to watch your video? What are the tips to increase a video’s watch time?

It All Starts with an Excellent Idea.

  • Like in any content you will published, it is absolutely important to create something great. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to do this. You need to sit down and research on some content ideas. When you present something interesting to your audience, your videos will most likely get watched.

Offer an Irresistible Video Openings

  • You should not focus on the actual video itself. Of course, there are opening and closing credits. At least, provide a snippet of what people can expect upon watching the entire video.
  • Present a teaser during the opening. Do not wait for people to get to the middle part until you show the interesting part. Lure them in from the start of your video. There should be a constant craving for your videos. It should always pique the interests of your viewers.
  • Little Monster Media analyzed YouTube videos from 2016 and 2017, and they found out that 7 to 16-minute videos got more views compared to the longer (or shorter) videos.

Create a Playlist

  • The task is not done once you successfully uploaded your video. Take time to organize all your uploads and group them together. By creating a playlist, you can divide your videos into different groups.
  • It is beneficial for you and your viewers because the playlists allow them watch related videos without much intervention. Moreover, they don’t have to constantly look for the other videos in the series. This increases watch time and people would prefer to watch it all in one go since you have organized it for them beforehand.
  • So, start sorting your videos and arrange them by relevancy!

Consistency Is KEY!

  • You can also schedule your videos just like your blogs. Create a schedule when you will upload your videos and, of course, inform your viewers the exact time and date. You can use scheduled publishing to schedule a private video to go public at a specific time.
  • According to the same Little Monster Media study, the group found out that YouTube channels posting 4.4 videos every week garnered 36.4 times more views compared to channels that would only publish 1.2 videos every week.

Talk to Your Audience

  • You are publishing online content for them. It’s gonna be a shame if you don’t involve them into your videos. Tell them to comment and share their thoughts on your latest video.
  • Of course, don’t forget to respond to comments after you post a video. The loyal viewers get to comment first so give them a special shout-out!

More Tips in Increase User Engagements

In part 1, I already gave you 5 tips in improving your user engagements. This time, I will give you 5 more tips in increasing user engagements.

browsing a website on a tablet

If you think that you need to do a review on the basics of user engagements, just click on the topic and you will redirected to the page. If you are all set, then, let’s go through the tips mentioned below.

  • Suggest a Related Post & Provide Links to Other Blog Post.

Aid people in finding content related to their search, and the best way to do this is by linking other blog post. For example, this post is about user engagement, I’m going to link the user engagement stats to closely monitor.

Link related topics together so that the readers can easily access them without having to manually search for all these interconnected topics. So, every time you talk about something, don’t forget to add a link.

  • Don’t Forget to Add a Search Option.

Of course, you can’t just link everything in one post, right? Let your web visitors find what they are looking for. They can refer to your website’s search function once they need to look for a specific post.

Having a search option satisfies your users. It allows them to find and select the appropriate solution for their problems. If they can’t find anything relevant to their topic, then, they would surely abandon your site. You totally missed the opportunity to satisfy their needs, and they will choose to find a better solution somewhere else.

  • Obvious Call-to-Action Buttons to Assist Customers for the Next Step

Yes, your website is there for people to purchase your products and services. However, you just don’t shove it on their faces right away. There should be a process, and you need to provide information about the product first.

Then, that is the time that you will slowly convince them to buy. Don’t be in a hurry in getting to the “buy” part because your web visitors need some vital information first. If they don’t know the product, why would they buy it?

Every website should inform their users first, and then, direct them to the page they want. From there, it’s easy to convince them to buy your products just provide the necessary CTAs.

Related: Web Design Features That Increases Sales

  • Add a Chat Feature.

Sometimes, the search option is not enough. Users won’t find the answer they need no matter how they search your site. If they can’t locate what they need, it’s also convenient to include a chat option to offer more assistance to your users.

You can also have an automated bot to filter out the queries. Just compile the frequently asked questions and provide the standard script on how to solve this issue. Whether you wish to implement a live chat or an automated chat, it’s really up to your business goals.

  • Acquire Email Addresses and Engage Through Email.

Lastly, how do you convince people to return to your site? Easy! You email them about the latest updates about your website.

It’s easier to find customers since you already have their email. You can send out surveys and keep them updated about the latest deals. So, don’t forget to obtain the email addresses of your web visitors and provide content they want so they will always come back for more.

Related: Increase Conversion Through Emotional Appeal

How Increase User Engagements?

After discussing user engagement and it’s relation to SEO, I will now proceed to the tips in increasing user engagements.

three people browsing a website using mobile device

So, how do you boost user engagements? What change can you do to encourage users to interact with your site?

  1. Create a Responsive & Speedy Website

According to Unbounce’s The 2019 Page Speed Report, almost 70% of customers say that page speed determines their likelihood to purchase an item. Additionally, millennials are among the least patient customers, and if a page loads for more than 3 seconds, that waiting time is already too long.

Clearly, speed is an important factor in this study. If web page takes time to load, nearly 50% of web visitors agree that they most likely will not purchase, and 1/3 of them admit that they most likely will not visit your site ever again.

The worst part? 25% of customers will transfer to a competitor website that has a faster page load time. Be this a lesson for SEO marketers and web designers to optimize a website to improve page speed because customers do not feel like waiting for a long time.

  1. Remove the SEO Errors

The basic example would be the 404 error message. Imagine, you are already too engrossed with your research. Then, when you clicked the hyperlink, it informed you that the link is broken and the page is nowhere to be found. That’s frustrating!

For sure, your readers would be pissed to know that they weren’t redirected to the correct page. That is traffic lost for your site, and you just lost the chance to gain more customers. So, take time to check for broken links.

  1. Provide Multimedia Content

Whether you decide to do a mix of text and image, or a combination of video, audio, and text, always give people more ways to enjoy your content. Remember, there are 7 learning styles. You can’t just rely on words and use a purely linguistic approach.

Most websites focus on texts, but people absorb information differently. From time to time, incorporate a video or an audio transcript with your wordy articles. Present your blog post using an infographic or use another visual aid instead of letting people read. Combine different forms of content, and study the changes it brings to your website.

  1. Make Something Useful

When you try to produce new content, always keep in mind the users’ needs.

Will this serve a purpose? Is this considered a helpful content? Does this answer a question?

Write thorough articles that addresses a particular issue. We all want to save time so we can do other things.  So, try to come up with articles that provide tips, how-tos, and anything that encourages productivity. If you make useful content for your audience, then, your website will be their go-to solution for any of their problems.

  1. Simplify Your Navigation and Web Design

Your website is for your users and there is no need to complicate things for them. Consider their opinion in terms of website navigation and design. Send out a survey form, or check your website if there are areas that needs improvement. If your users struggle even at the easiest tasks, it’s time to make navigation simpler and website design clearer.

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