How Negative Reviews Can Actually Help Your Business (Part 2)

On my previous blog post, I talked about how negative reviews can actually help your business.

Board, Chalk, Feedback, Review, Training, School

One negative review won’t do harm your business. It’s not the end for you! As a matter of fact, unfavorable reviews can further boost your search engine dominance. Let me count the ways.

Negative Reviews Paints a More Authentic Blueprint of Your Business.

  • Yotpo analyzed over 1.3 million product reviews… and what did they find out? On average, a website only gets a 4.3 star rating. Anything larger than that gives a shady impression.
  • What does this imply? Disappointments are part of life. There will be no perfect rating. Sooner or later, a customer that will complain the product did not meet their expectation. They will say a product is “bad.”
  • The truth is that the product is just different from what they expected. It’s not totally bad. Now, this will help you in making product descriptions better. Also, tips are posted here if you need help in writing product descriptions.
  • You can make it apparent for your customers and clearly establish what your product is and what your product is not. Because of a negative review, your other customers can decide if a product is for them or not.
  • Future customers will have an idea what the product features are so that they won’t set very unrealistic expectations of the product. Thus, it will lessen the number of disgruntled customers.
  • Making negative reviews visible help in creating a fair and unbiased look. It reassures all your customers that you are not hiding anything. In the end, negative reviews play a role in building increasing the reliability and loyalty.

Negative Reviews Can Help You Think of Better SEO Strategies.

  • A product may have flaws that were unnoticed. A negative review can help you see these things. Then, you can formulate new ways to tackle the issue, and focus on a problem that needs urgent attention.
  • When reading all the negative reviews, ask these questions.
    1. What do your customers want?
    2. Did you match their expectation?
    3. What were the things you were not able to fulfill?
    4. Do your customers have other questions?
    5. Were they looking for something else?
    6. What did they search on your website?

You can address these questions on another post. Create an FAQ section if you think there are customer questions that tend to be redundant. For example, you could post about the estimated delivery times of the products, or you could provide a way for your customers to get immediate response if they encounter problems. An unfavorable review will ultimately help you know your customers better, and find new ways of satisfying their needs.

Welcome the Negative Reviews!

Do not despair when you get bad reviews because there’s good in the bad. It can help you create a more realistic portrait of your business. A negative review won’t define you. You can use this to prove that your business is responsive and trustworthy despite the mishaps. So, the next time you encounter a negative review, do not fret. The positive will always outshine the negative.

How Negative Reviews Can Actually Help Your Business (Part 1)

Negative reviews are part of life. I’m sure you have experienced months of dedicating all your time and effort. After all your hard work, the project ended up a disaster. The customers did like the product as what you originally thought.

Criticism, Write A Review, Review, Star, Hand, Finger

We all want to avoid negative reviews. We all just wanna skip reading it, and bury them where no one else can ever see them again. There’s no need to panic because a few unfavorable reviews won’t hurt you. IT CAN ACTUALLY HELP!

Negative Reviews ADDS to the Total Number of Reviews.

  • You have to remember that e-commerce websites usually feature the total number of reviews. The more reviews your business has, the more evidences you have. Whether the review is positive or negative, it affects your overall search ranking.
  • The point here is to have a variety of reviews because search engines, like Google, can say that your business is legit.
  • There was this one study conducted by Harvard Business School that said customers don’t read all the information about a business. Also, the customers were concern on the total number of ratings and reviews.
  • They just check whether a business has a good average rating or not, and make decisions basing from this information. So, don’t worry; an unfavorable review won’t affect your SEO. Just look at Amazon. Remember that even the leading e-commerce website gets unfavorable reviews from time to time.

Negative Reviews BOOSTS the Integrity of Your Business.

  • I have a question for you. Would you buy from a website that featured only positive reviews? I’m sure you will be suspicious and you will ask yourself if you should trust this website. Am I right?
  • When it’s all just glowing reviews about a product, you would start to suspect about its authenticity.
  • According to the Journal of Vacation Marketing, the negative reviews are more believable than positive reviews. In other words, it seems shady when every customer seems to be happy and satisfied. It generates doubt and disbelief.
  • The researchers added that customers prefer to read a mixed bag of product reviews. It is convincing when they see a variety of positive reviews, neutral reviews, and negative reviews.
  • If customers see differing opinions, they would spend time assessing both views. They will weigh both the pros and cons. Thus, it increases the time they spend on your website. This helps in enhancing your SEO.

Negative Reviews Helps BUILD Good Customer Relationships.

  • An unfavorable review is your chance to make it up to your customer. Plus, you were able to get an honest review.
  • This is your opportunity to take action and improve on your product. If a customer complains, then, you will know what areas need help. You can formulate of ways to address the problem.
  • Negative reviews help you to be aware of the issues you weren’t able to see before. When you help your customers with their concern, it shows that you genuinely care about them. You value their feedback more than you value the money they bring in to your company.

One side note: there’s more discussed in part 2.

Unrealistic SEO Expectations

People think good search rankings can be achieved in a snap, and they set very unrealistic SEO expectations.

man holding black smartphone with flat screen monitor in front

Before you head on and think of the millions things SEO can do for your business, let us first discuss the SEO expectations.

What’s the REAL Deal?

  • SEO has only 3 letters yet plenty of people misinterpret and misuse it.
  • There’s a need for businesses to show up in various search engines. SEO has no specific rules, but there are factors that affect your website rankings. In today’s world, SEO is a must for every business to succeed online.
    1. Content. What is the use of a beautiful website if the content is not useful to people? High-quality content is what you need.
    2. Links. How many websites mention your business? Do they provide a link for your website?
    3. Keywords. Are you using relevant keywords in your content, title, and descriptions?

Related: SEO On-site Factors

Okay, these are just a few of the basic factors to consider. When a user searches a term online, the goal is for your website to show up once this term is being typed on a search engine like Google.

Knowing the benefits and limitations.

It helps to know what SEO can do and what it can’t do. Most businesses need to know how things work. SEO is NOT something you can magically start, and then, it appears right in front of you.

  • The Results Will Take Time to Show Up.

    • One of the major setbacks is that SEO is not like an instant noodle that you can readily enjoy after 5 minutes of preparing. Please do not expect noticeable results to be visible right away.
    • You need a lot of time and patience to see tangible results from the sleepless nights and the intense research. Advertising your content and website will take time. It may take days, weeks, or even months.
  • The ROI Will Also Take Time.

    • If visible results need time, then, revenues will also take a long time. So, if you need a considerable amount of money in a short period of time, this is NOT for you. SEO may not be an advantageous approach for businesses that just started.
  • SEO Is NOT Guaranteed.

    • Let’s face it. We all want to be on top. Being number 1 is the goal. We all want our websites to land of the first page of the SERPs. However, there is no guarantee that your website will be one of the top results.
  • SEO is NOT set in stone.

    • Google’s algorithms constantly changes. No one can really say this is an important factor. The rules are always changing. You always need to read and research on the newest SEO updates.
    • We can only guess on what the significant SEO factors are. Only Google knows the exact answers.

Despite the drawbacks, people choose SEO because it can be anyone’s game. It is fun to know that no one really knows what will happen next. Plus, SEO is totally free. If the odds are in your favor, you get a heavy influx of web traffic without even spending a dime.

5 Things to Do After an SEO Audit

One way to get more organic results, you would need to do an SEO audit. An SEO audit can help assess your current standing. It will let you know what strategies did work and what did not.

Group Of People Having A Meeting

You can divide your thorough audit into 3 major sections: the technical SEO, the on-page SEO, and the off-page SEO. An analysis of all the keywords you used will be helpful, and you can cross reference that to the keywords used by your direct competitors.

So, what’s for you after an SEO audit?

  1. Detailed Audit Report.
  • List everything you used. There should be a complete list of all the keywords audited. What were the top performing keywords? What keywords were on the bottom section?
  • Each item should be assessed on whether it is good or it needs improvement. There should be a concrete recommendation for further development.
  • If it’s a lighter audit report, it may lack certainty and clarity. So, the longer the report, the better. You are sure that every based covered. No stone was left unturned.
  1. Learn to Prioritize.
  • Using the same long and detailed list I mentioned, the next step is to plan. Learn the level of impact of each keyword or insight. Not all the recommended actions will have the exact result. So, assess what needs to be done first.
  • Yes, you might say that the SEO industry is uncertain, but you should be able to, more or less, evaluate the issues that need your immediate attention. Setting your expectations early on could help you later when the actual problem or issue occurs.
  • For instance, writing the appropriate title and description is important. This has more effect in the grand scheme of things. Your website would have better rankings using the right title and meta descriptions so naturally you would need to put this on the top of your list.
  1. Know the Needed Resources.
  • Now that you are done prioritizing things, evaluate how much money you need to do this. Know the time, the money budget, and the human resources in order to fulfill your goals.
  • One task may only need 1 person, but some tasks might need a whole team. Sometimes, you might even need to outsource employees to do this.
  • Once you have figured this out, you can further filter what tasks need to be done immediately basing on the current available resources. So, you may need money to complete certain tasks in time.
  1. Establish a Timetable.
  • Going with proposed plan might not be easy as you think. Of course, there are restrictions in terms of budget. Plus, there’s time! You need to catch up with the deadline you are given.
  • You be able to present a schedule basing on all the factors and constraints. Specify how much time each task would take. Thus, you have a rough estimate on the time to meet the expected goals and milestones.
  1. Put Your Plain in Motion.
  • Lastly, it’s time to take action. Make sure that:
    • Team collaboration would go smoothly.
    • People would know who to report to in case things would go awry.
    • There is a clear task designation for each member.

Whether the tasks are simple or complex, the risk of failing is always there. So, be sure that each task is clearly assigned to a team. Setting a concrete plan and budget is utterly important.

The SEO Strategies That Will Ruin Your Business

You would think that any SEO strategy would help you get higher up in Google and get all of the following benefits:

  • Improved online visibility
  • Increased site traffic
  • Better engagement
  • A higher position on search results

But that’s not true.

The reality is that not all SEO tactics are created equal. While some will help you surge up Google’s rankings, others can see you get severely penalized and plummet like a stone. These are the SEO strategies that are worse for your business.

The Worst Things You Can Do for SEO

Plagiarize other content

Not creating unique content is a cardinal sin when it comes to SEO. I know it can be hard to create unique content day in day out but the simple fact is that copying other content can see your website hit with a duplicate penalty content by Google.

Not only is plagiarism unethical and illegal, it also goes against Google’s policies. Plagiarizing won’t just mean you don’t create great content for your readers, it can result in a penalty or having your website taken down completely.

2. Keyword stuffing

It’s important to use keywords in your content in order to rank for the right search phrases. But over-optimizing your content, putting too many in, is bad for SEO. The result is poorly written, unnatural posts that don’t offer readers value. Google can tell when you are intentionally keyword stuffing and will penalize you if it finds you guilty. It’s also not a good experience for your readers, either, which will result in high bounce rates.

3. Crappy backlinks

Everyone knows that backlinks are one of the most powerful tools in an SEO’s arsenal. They are a great way to improve your website’s authority and boost rankings. But all backlinks are not created equal.

While good backlinks from high authority websites are worth their weight in gold, dodgy backlinks can seriously harm your business. Bad backlinks are any low quality, spammy or bought backlinks that aren’t created naturally. If Google catches you creating these kinds of links, expect a penalty.

4. Cloaking

Trying to trick Google into thinking your website is something it isn’t is another bad SEO tactic that will have you expelled from the rankings. Hiding keywords on a page so that Google thinks you should rank for a phrase you don’t mention is a trick used by some Blackhat SEOs, but it rarely works anymore. Google is too smart to be tricked.

5. Placing too many ads

While this isn’t an SEO strategy per se, it is a way that Google could tank your business website. Many websites rely on online ads for revenue. This can lead them to stuff their pages with ads or put loads of ads above the fold where people will see them. This creates a bad user experience and can lead you to getting punished by Google. Use a couple of ads on the page by all means, but don’t stuff them everywhere possible.

Things You Need to Know When Creating a Sitemap

You’ve probably thought about building a sitemap for your website. It’s a well-known strategy that helps with SEO. Google even provides an exhaustive resource on how to make one. Unfortunately for most people, it’s easier said than done.

Making a sitemap can get a little too technical and discourage you from making one. Now we don’t want you missing out on the opportunity to maximize your SEO efforts. So we’ll run you through the basics and teach you everything there is to know about creating a sitemap.

Fact #1: There’s more than one type of sitemap

A sitemap is an umbrella term that is often used in place of an XML sitemap. However, XMLs are just one kind. There are actually different types of sitemaps, including:

  • RSS Feed. Often used by blogs and websites with frequently updated content.
  • mRSS Feed. Ideal for vlogs and websites that specialize in video content.
  • Google News Sitemap. Only works for news sites.
  • Alternative language XML Sitemap. Used for websites available in different languages.

Additionally, you can add mobile, image, or video extensions to a standard XML sitemap. Before building one, you should decide which type is best suited for your website.

Fact #2: Static sitemap generators are not reliable

At this point, you might be tempted to do away with technicalities and use a static sitemap generator. Most of them are free and incredibly easy to use.

However, static sitemap generators are only recommended if you have a new website that needs to be indexed as soon as possible. By the time your website grows, new URLs won’t be added to your existing sitemap. Another problem with these generators is they crawl everything – including pages you don’t want indexed.

Fact #3: Not all pages belong to a sitemap

Here are examples of pages you shouldn’t include in your sitemap:

  • Redirect, client, and server pages
  • Duplicates, canonicalized, and paginated pages
  • Pages with parameters
  • Noindex pages
  • Pages that are not permitted by robots.txt

Basically, if you don’t want a page to show up on search results, don’t place it on your sitemap.

Fact #4: A sitemap has limits

There are limits on what you can do with a sitemap. For instance, the uncompressed file can’t have more than 50 MB memory and 50,000 URLs. If you need more space, there is a workaround. You can create separate files (i.e. sitemap1.xml, sitemap2.xml) and place them under a sitemap index.

However, a sitemap index also has its limits. It can’t have more than 50,000 sitemaps per index, and you can only upload 500 sitemap indexes to Google Search Console.

Fact #5: A sitemap should be private

Many site owners wrongly set their sitemap to be public. They either link it to robots.txt or link to it from the homepage. However, sitemaps have to be private. Otherwise, people (including competitors) will have easy access to your website’s important data.

Fact #6: You may not need a sitemap at all!

The truth is, not all websites need one. Here are examples of websites that could get away without a sitemap:

  • Company site
  • Presentation websites
  • Portfolio
  • Small shop site
  • Product comparisons
  • SaaS apps

Below are the only three scenarios where sitemaps are necessary:

  • A large website with many pages
  • A new website that needs to be indexed
  • A website that frequently updates its content (i.e. news sites)

The impact blogging can have on your small business

There was a time when blogging was only ever used as an online journal for self-expression or for keeping track of activities. Things change quickly, however. Today, blogging is a key part of corporate strategy and it can have a big impact on your bottom line.

Small businesses in particular struggle with visibility and getting customers through the door. It can feel link it’s almost impossible to attract any customers what so ever.

But blogging offers a way for small businesses to reach out and speak directly to potential customers. It is a great way to build a presence and make it easy for them to discover who you are, where you are based and what you offer.

Below we cover the major benefits blogging can have for small businesses.

Here’s Why Blogging is Great for Your Small Business

#1: It helps you to rank higher in search results

Google is the number one tool used by consumers to find information online. The vast majority of the time it will be the first place they turn when researching businesses or looking for information about a specific business. Getting listed high in Google can generate a huge amount of web traffic for any business, no matter the size.

Writing well-optimized blogs that focus on specific search phrases is the major way of ranking high in Google and getting more of that valuable web traffic.

#2: Improve online visibility

The more phrases your website ranks for in Google, the bigger your company’s online visibility. It’s obvious, right? That means the more you write, the more you appear in Google and the greater your online visibility gets.

Not only this, but blogs can be shared on social media giving your company even more online visibility. So every time someone shares your content, you get even more reach and the opportunity to earn even more followers.

#3: Blogging builds trust

Blogging is a great way of building trust in your business  Writing quality, informative content gives your company a voice and shows that you know what you are talking about. What’s more, if you have comments enabled, you can even talk to customers directly in the comments and build even more trust.

#4: Blogging establishes authority

By blogging you can showcase all of your talents in an easily digestible format. Giving away some of your best advice for free is a common marketing tactic and it works wonders for bloggers. It creates instant trust and encourages the likelihood of blog readers converting into customers.

Reason #5: Blogging can grow your email list

One of the lesser known benefits of blogging is that it can help you grow your email marketing list. The more blog posts you write, the more traffic you generate and the more chance you have of encouraging readers to sign up to your email list. From there, you can send discounts, promos and newsletters to keep customers engaged and encourage them to convert.

What Should You Blog About?

Simply putting out content isn’t enough.

Statista says there are 31.2 million bloggers as of 2019 in the United States alone. WordPress, the world’s leading content management system, is estimated to power more than 75 million websites. This means you have just as many WordPress blogs to compete with! (And this is just one platform)

Nobody really knows how many blogs are out there. But it’s obvious that there’s plenty of competition. Writing okay content won’t get people’s attention. You have to be able to stand out.

Question is, what should you blog about?

Writing An Irresistible Blog That Your Readers Will Love

The blogosphere is already saturated with How To’s, Top X Tips, and Beginner’s Guide articles to name a few. While popular, it gets boring eventually.

Unless you want to lose readers, this shouldn’t be the length and breadth of your content strategy. The best way to counteract repetitive content is to follow a criteria.

Three Main Elements of Quality Content

There are no hard and fast rules to writing. But ideally, each blog post should be valuable, unique, and up-to-date.

1. Unique

Writing one-of-a-kind content is perhaps the biggest challenge of any writer. There could be hundreds, thousands, or a few dozen bloggers and thought leaders in your niche (if you’re lucky). At some point, everyone must have already written about everything right?

The good news is, it may not be too late. You can start with competitor research and see what others in your niche write about. Once you get a rundown on the topics they cover, you’ll have an easier time coming up with more original ideas.

But what if all your ideas are taken? Don’t worry. It’s completely okay to write about a similar topic. However, you need to come up with other ways to make it unique – whether it’s your tone, how you structure articles, or the way you phrase blog titles.

2. Value

It pays to keep your audience in mind and remember exactly who you’re writing for. The moment you lay your hands down on the keyboard, you need to ask yourself… what value can I provide to my readers?

For instance, let’s say you’re a makeup artist whose audiences include women who want to learn how to put on makeup. You can provide them tips on choosing and applying makeup, and maybe throw in some reviews on makeup products and tools. However, a makeup artist that specializes in special effects (SFX) will have a different audience. Their followers won’t find much value in standard makeup tutorials or product reviews. Content has to be catered specifically for SFX make-up artistry.

Producing valuable content won’t just make readers happy. It can help you build a loyal fanbase, as well as gain new followers.

3. Up-to-date

Keeping your blog updated with new posts is a good practice. How often you should blog depends on your niche. News sites will need to be updated throughout the day. Lifestyle blogs can survive with one or two posts each week.

The key is to develop a content calendar and be consistent with your schedule. That way, your readers will know when to expect fresh content. Don’t forget to update your social media handles whenever you publish new content!

What is Social SEO?

Social media marketing (SMM) isn’t unheard of. On its own, it is a useful channel for increasing visibility to a wider audience, interacting with customers, and strengthening your brand.

According to Social Media Examiner (2017), 96 percent of small and medium businesses have admitted to using social media in their marketing strategy. So if you have in any way used social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter for business, then you’re doing SMM. The power of social media is no secret either. Vendasta (2017) says it helped 90 percent of marketers with better exposure, and 75 percent with increased traffic.

What is Social SEO?

Now imagine combining social media marketing with traditional strategies in search engine optimization. What you get is social SEO. However, it’s not as simple as it looks.

With social SEO, you don’t just use social media to support your SEO efforts. Rather, you’re going to use social media itself as a tool for improving your search engine rankings, together with the best practices in SEO.

Why not stick to SEO as we know it?

It’s true that you can boost your position on search engine results pages (SERPs) with SEO alone. Furthermore, it’s worth mentioning that SMM has no bearing on your rankings when used on its own.

So why bother in the first place?

The Benefits of Social SEO

One reason why social SEO should be the new standard, is that it does have an effect on your rankings. The combined power of social media and search engine optimization allow you to climb up the ranks faster.


The secret is in the links.

Whenever you share content on social media platforms where backlinking is possible – think Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIN, and Pinterest – you are essentially building links to your website. The links and social media content have no SEO value, but the social interaction that happens around them do.

Social signals such as Likes, Shares, and Retweets give search engines an idea of your site’s credibility, as well as a better understanding of the keywords you’re targeting. Both can indirectly improve your site’s SERP position.

If you want to increase your rankings through social SEO, you should:

  • Create content relevant content so your readers would want to share it
  • Make it easy for readers to share content from your website to social media
  • Set up accounts on various social media platforms
  • Use social media to share content and interact with audiences

Another benefit of social SEO is that it increases your online visibility. Sure, it won’t be able to rank your website (directly, at least). But do you know what else it can rank? Your social media accounts.

Social SEO allows your business to take over more than one spot on the SERPs, thus increasing your visibility. If you’ve done SEO just as well on your social media profiles, you can fill several spots on the top 10 results!

Even if you don’t make it to the top search results, having your business on various social media platforms will already increase your visibility. Each platform has a search engine of its own, which you can use to target keywords and reach old and new audiences alike.

How to Use Optimization to Avoid a Penalty

Google can literally make or break you in the online world. And it all depends on how you optimize your site.

If you do search engine optimization or SEO “right” then you will see an increase in rankings and traffic. Any wrong move will pretty much doom you with the dreaded Google penalty.

In this article, we’ll talk about site optimization techniques you shouldn’t be doing.

Top SEO Mistakes to Avoid (If You Don’t Want A Google Penalty)

1. Bad content

Content is the primary factor which determines a site’s value. One reason why Google constantly improves its algorithms is so it can better identify websites that are cheating their way up the ranks. You don’t want to get caught plagiarizing or spinning content. Moreover, you should also avoid stuffing your content with unnatural-sounding keywords. Unethical content strategies are a surefire way to get flagged.

2. Placing too many ads above the fold

When readers click-through to your website, you want them to stay there for as long as possible and explore other pages. In SEO, this is called retention. But if you have too many ads especially above the fold, it will give them a terrible impression and cause them to bounce off. High bounce rates won’t just lose you potential customers. It makes Google think you have a low-quality website and slap you with a penalty.

3. Hiding texts or links

Years ago, black hat SEOs were using hidden texts and links to stuff websites with keywords and backlinks. It was an obvious attempt to cheat Google considering that they have policies against these practices. So take our advice and don’t try them at all. Otherwise, Google will impose a penalty.

4. Cloaking

Cloaking is yet another SEO practice that could get you in trouble. It’s when you create two or more versions of a website that show different variations of the same information. These websites are intended to look unique for a reason – and that is to attract as many customers as possible through various channels. Cloaking is illegal. If you’re caught doing it, rest assured that Google will give you a lifetime penalty, making it impossible to rank.

5. Spam comments

Many site owners mistakenly leave their comments section into a public free-for-all buffet. Unfortunately, shady SEOs use them to “piggyback” on more authoritative websites. They will often leave unrelated comments and link back to sites as part of their link building strategy. Having too many of those outbound links will make Google suspicious. Which leads us to the biggest SEO mistake…

6. Negative SEO

It’s not actually something that you do, as with others on our list. Rather, it’s what you don’t do with it that could send you straight to Google jail.

Search engine optimization is a dog-eat-dog world. Everyone is always trying to compete with others for rankings. Sadly, you might have competitors who will try to target you with “negative SEO” which does the opposite of helping you climb up the ranks.

Competitors may try to point as many bad links as they can to your website so they can fool Google into thinking you’re the one doing bad SEO. Alternatively, they will try to leave spammy links on your site. The only way to prevent this is to watch out for signs and proactively combat them.

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