Everything You Need to Know About Local Data Aggregators?

The vast majority (85%) of SMB owners appreciate the value of having a high visibility on search engines, directories, and mobile apps. Going further, over three quarters (78%) believe that it helps them attract new customers.

That being said, a good understanding of local SEO doesn’t necessarily mean that business owners will be able to implement strategies or run a successful campaign.

Of those surveyed above, nearly half knew that director listings were inaccurate yet they still hadn’t updated them. Which is crazy because so many owners lose trust in a brand when their details aren’t correct.

There is a solution, however, and they are called data aggregators.

What is a local data aggregator?

This is a company that excels at gathering and displaying business and consumer data. Below are five of the major aggregators currently in use:

  • Acxiom (free)
  • Factual (free)
  • Infogroup (free)
  • Localeze (paid)
  • Yext

What does a local data aggregator do?

A local data aggregator scrapes the web for business data, correlates them all and displays the information to users. This can help business owners to see how their local search data is displayed online on various websites, Crucially, business owners are concerned with their NAP:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number

These local data aggregators distribute the business information to marketers, business owners and location-based service providers like review websites and search engines. Because the data is so widely used, it is crucial that businesses have the correct information out there.

What role do local data aggregators play in local SEO

Search engines, directories and other apps source information from these local aggregators. They are sometimes referred to as local search data providers.

So what do you do if your data isn’t correct? Well you can work with these local data aggregators to change the information or you can do it by hand by building and editing citations. This can be done by you or by a third-party service.

What is a citation building service?

A citation building service is a company that builds references to your business in the most important directories, and ensures all of your information is correct, so you don’t have to.

Benefits of a citation building service

There are several benefits to using a citation building service:

  • You don’t have to spend ages getting in touch with dozens of different websites and directories. All you need to do is provide the correct information to one company once and everything else is taken care of.
  • It guarantees that your business’ information will be accurate and consistent across the internet. Working with just one or two aggregators means some information or sites may be missed. By having the citations done individually, you ensure they are all accurate.
  • You can add even more information about your business into each citation when you do it by hand. This includes:

    • Business description and tagline
    • Website address
    • Images
    • Operating hours
    • Accepted payment
    • Social media links

It’s the perfect way to make sure your information is correct and you have the best chance of succeeding at local SEO.

Everything You Need to Know About Google’s March Update

Google Search Liaison Danny Sullivan confirmed via Twitter that they released a broad core algorithm update last March 12. It was officially named the Google March 2019 Core Update. (NOTE: While the SEO community initially referred to it as the Florida 2 Update, Google stepped in with an official name to avoid confusion.)

When the update first rolled out, Google was quiet about it. But SEO experts noticed significant fluctuations on how their websites were ranking in different countries, which suggested that Google was up to something. On March 13, the search giant confirmed everyone’s suspicions but didn’t say much. Needless to say, SEO experts were on the case to figure out what was going on.

Here’s everything we know about Google’s March Update… so far.

It’s a global update

Websites in different languages and countries were analyzed for their rankings on Google’s Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Based on findings, Google’s March Update is worldwide and affects all countries, regions, and cities. Most sites dropped in rankings on half or more than half of their targeted keywords. Some websites only dropped in a few keywords.

Google has confirmed that the March 2019 Core Algorithm Update is global.

Dropped rankings for keywords with high commercial intent

Declines in rankings were mostly seen in commercial keywords with high commercial intent and high search volumes. People who search for them usually want to perform a transaction. Some examples of keywords with high commercial intent include:

  • Buy home insurance
  • Get a 10% discount

Sites with low E-A-T were hit hardest by Google’s March Core Update

Expertise-Authority-Trustworthiness or simply E-A-T are the top 3 factors which Google considers when determining the value of a website. It doesn’t influence page rankings but the overall ranking of your site on SERPs. The latest Core Update was unforgiving to websites with low E-A-T, which implies that Google may have updated their algorithms on how they treat backlinks.

Users hit by the August 2018 Core Update are also affected

Evidence suggests that websites affected by the Google Medic Update last August 2018 are once more hit by the recent March 2019 Core Update. These tend to be “Your Money or Your Life” (YMYL) sites which focused on legal, medical, and financial advice – or anything that benefitted a reader’s health, happiness, and wealth.

It makes sense why low E-A-T websites were also hit by the March Core Update since they were usually in the YMYL category. Basically, what happened was that websites which saw gains in the previous update are now suffering losses. Meanwhile, those that dropped in rankings since August 2018 are now experiencing gains. What these tell us is that the latest Google Core Update may be a reversal of the previous version.

There’s no fixing it

Google tweeted it themselves. If you think that doing minor tweaks on your website is going to help you regain rankings, it won’t. Instead, Google recommends that you “remain focused on building great content”.

Google says their March 2019 Core Update “is far from being the biggest update” they’ve ever done. But at the end of the day, it depends on who you’re asking. Like any Google update, there will always be winners and losers.

How Page Speed Affects Your SEO

It’s been years since Google first revealed how page speed affects website ranking and yet it still applies today. More recently, the search giant rolled out Speed Update – a new algorithm which factors in mobile page speeds when ranking mobile-friendly sites.

With half of the world’s online traffic driven by smartphones and increasing access to fast internet, people’s expectations of page loading speeds have likewise evolved. Now if we take all these into account, you’ll learn how and why page speed has a significant impact on your SEO.

What is Page Speed?

Page speed is the amount of time it takes for a page to load. There’s plenty of online tools which can analyze your page speed. And there are different ways to measure it.

Below are the three most common:

  • Full-page loading or the time it takes to load the page completely, including content, images, and all other elements.
  • First meaningful or contextual paint which refers to the time it takes to load enough resources on page so that it becomes readable. A page with a full-page loading speed of 10 seconds is slow. But if you can get a First Meaningful Paint in 2 seconds or less, page visitors will be able to jump right into reading and won’t notice the difference!
  • Time to first byte or the time it takes for a page to start loading.

Why Page Speed Matters in SEO

Google won’t say exactly, but it is estimated that they get over 2 trillion queries each day. According to Statista (2019) it’s also the world’s leading search engine with a 90% market share. Given their massive user base, it’s no wonder they want to deliver the best experience. By ranking websites based on relevance and performance, Google helps people can find top resources more easily.

Page speed is an important component in site performance. On a technical level, it indicates that you have a reliable hosting service, and that your website is well-designed and properly coded for SEO. But at the core, what it really tells Google is that your site has been optimized for user experience – which is exactly what they’re looking for. This explain why Google considers page speed when ranking sites.

5 Tips for Boosting Page Speed

1. Minify resources

Google recommends minifying your CSS, HTML, or JavaScript. Minification removes unnecessary codes and speeds up web pages in the process.

2. Enable file compression

Compress your CSS, HTML, or JavaScript files to reduce their size. This could give your pages a much-needed boost.

3. Optimize images

Use images with just the right size for display. Make sure they’re in the recommended format (i.e. JPEG for photos, PNG for graphics). You should also compress images before uploading them to the page. This reduces their file size without affecting quality.

4. Use PageSpeed Insights

This free Google tool analyzes your page speeds. It creates a page speed report and gives personalized suggestions on how you can further optimize it for speed.

5. Set up AMP

Also known as Accelerated Mobile Pages, it’s another project that Google started for helping mobile versions of your web pages load faster.

Why Your Competitors Rank Higher Than You

Taking a spot on Google’s first page is like icing on the cake for any website owner. But if you’ve done some SEO and aren’t getting results, it can be quite frustrating… especially when your competitors rank higher.

So why are competitors outperforming you?

6 Reasons Why Your Competitors Are Doing Better – and How to Beat Them

Reason #1 – They’ve done coding right

Search engine optimization (SEO) is undoubtedly the biggest contributor to your Google ranking. However, this strategy doesn’t work on its own. It has to be complemented with a properly coded site.

How to beat them: Websites can be coded in so many different languages. Ideally, you should use a code that “speaks” Google or it’ll have trouble figuring out what your website is and how to place it on their rankings.

Reason #2 – They’ve gone mobile

According to Statista, 52.2% of the online traffic generated worldwide last 2018 came from smartphones. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile use, you’ll lose this demographic to competitors who have already adapted to the platform. Besides, Google isn’t a fan of old websites. They can even penalize you for it.

How to beat them: Make sure your site is mobile-friendly so it will rank better. It should automatically adjust to smaller screens when viewed from smartphones.

Reason #3 – Customers love them

No business can truly call itself a success unless it has managed to establish a positive reputation. Online, this means getting good reviews and feedback from customers. Google knows this. That’s why the search giant has started placing value in online reviews when ranking local business sites.

How to beat them: If you want to get ahead of competitors, you should work hard to creating a business that customers genuinely love. They’d be more than happy to leave 5-star reviews and recommend you to everyone!

Reason #4 – They’ve got juicy links

Backlinking may be an old SEO strategy but it’s not dead. Most websites are simply doing it wrong. Well, except for your competitors. Chances are, they have high-quality backlinks.

How to beat them: Instead of trying to cheat Google with paid backlinks, focus on building a relevant site and other key aspects of business. This will attract key personalities in your industry who can link back to your website. Once you’ve positioned yourself, you can be more proactive and write guest blogs for more backlinks.

Reason #5 – They’re listed

Getting a website listed gives Google the impression that there’s a real business behind it. In turn, this helps with higher rankings.

How to beat them: Add your website to business listings, review sites, and other high-authority sources. Some examples include Yelp, Google for Business, and Merchant Circle.

Reason # 6 – It’s not their first rodeo

If you have competitors that have been at this longer, then a few weeks or months of SEO isn’t going to be enough to outperform them.

How to beat them: Do some competitor research and use their weaknesses to your advantage. For example, you can target different (but related) keywords, explore new online marketing strategies, and so on.

4 Practical Tips When You Have New SEO Customers

Acquiring new SEO customers would mean new opportunities for you. This is your chance to make a good impression, to instruct your customers, to get to know their business, to talk about your SEO strategies, and to establish a strong customer service.

Two Men Standing While Doing High Five

There are specific things you need to convert these ordinary customers to satisfied customers. You will need to accommodate the customer’s need s and you actions to take to deliver and perform well.

  1. Be Inspired.

This is the time to get excited because this new business ventures and new partnerships. New customers will come to you for the following reasons…

  • This might be their first time to encounter the world of SEO.
  • They might be curious what will SEO bring to the table.
  • These businesses will be looking forward for the new opportunities that SEO would pick up along the way.

For you, this could be the 100th business you would handle. It could be another mundane project to fix. Treat every business as a unique learning experience.

A new customer would mean another chance for you to improve your skills and learn new things. The SEO industry is always expanding. This is also a once-in-a-lifetime experience to meet new SEO professionals and learn new special skill sets.

Lack of eagerness would imply you are uninterested and would affect how other people will see your business.

Related: SEO Streategies to Consider this 2019

  1. Include the Customer to the Equation.

You might think that it helps if you only include the customer at the end when the results are ready.  It is best to include them while you do the project. The best results can only be achieve you collaborate and consider their inputs too!

When you incorporate the customers, it’s not just on the creative side, but also they can help in defining the main focus of the website or project on hand. This is your time to create something unique together. That way, it won’t be just another project to you. There’s something that definitely sets it apart from the rest. It also is easier to:

  • make the necessary changes.
  • cut out hindrances.
  • reinforce that agreement the customers agreed upon.
  1. Create New Processes & Improve Existing Ones.

When you have a new SEO customer, you and your team should be clear on the following:

  • The goals and the objectives.
  • The designation of the different tasks.
  • Key personnel. Who to report to if the need arises.
  • Project milestones.
  • Product information.
  • Coherent reports and updates.
  1. It’s Okay to Pause and Reflect.

Once you have welcomed everyone to the team and implemented the specific accounts and emails, it is also important to pause and evaluate the current standing of the project. Take a look at the bigger picture.

When a team member is too excited to start with a project, there’s a chance that the whole team will miss a crucial step. So, don’t get too excited to begin with project right away. Approach it with a clear head.

Of course, being excited is a good thing. You look forward to working with the team and start a new adventure. However, if you are quick at making rash decisions, it could cause problems in the future. If you need to, take a step back and the set clearer objectives in terms of SEO and the overall focus of the website.

Following These 6 Bad Link Habits Could Get You Penalized

Links continue to be an integral part of SEO. However, not all links are valuable. There are bad link habits you should avoid at all costs. Instead of doing your website any good, it could actually do the opposite. Ultimately, it could do your website harm. In this blog post, I will show the 6 numerous bad links that could put you at a huge disadvantage.

Pie Graph on a Computer Screen

  1. Press Releases

  • Press release links are a thing of the past. These were easy to write. Plus, all you need to do is circulate them to various websites.
  • These websites would, in turn, write about your website. It’s an easy way to gets links that would redirect to your website.
  • You could easily get links without much effort. This SEO strategy started well until Google tagged it as a “Link Scheme” because it was not difficult to influence and exploit the links in your favor.
  • There should be no press release links that would use your main keyword. If you need to link, use the URL itself as the anchor text.
  1. Forum Links

  • Forum links are not necessarily bad. If the forum links is from a reputable discussion website, then there wouldn’t be a problem.
  • BUT if the links would come from foreign forums, then it’s time to abandon them. These links would not have much value and it would be mostly likely to be classified as spam.
  • Any link that would look suspicious in Google’s watchful eyes would certainly bring your website down.
  1. Guestbooks

  • Just like press releases, guestbooks should remain in the past. This guestbook feature where anyone can leave a name, a message, and a link. These guestbook posts can be read by others, AND it could be controlled without much difficulty. So, it is best to not follow this, and not post in any guestbook.
  1. NoFollow Links

  • People choose to create “nofollow” links thinking those links would be not revealing your online footprint. Remember that Google is always watching. Do you seriously think Google will let you go completely undetected? There’s no need to hide and tick the “nofollow” checkbox. Google will always find you.
  • So, when you set a “nofollow” restriction, that move will automatically call the attention of Google. When you have hundreds of nofollow links, Google would assume that something suspicious is happening.
  1. Social Media Links

  • Social media links are usually manually added to a blog or website. Thus, Google see it as something that be easily altered.
  • Well, you could add social media links at the end of a blog posts, but if it happens too often, then it would considered as spam or redundant content.
  1. Website or Directory Listings

  • There are directory services that would compile a list of websites or blogs all in one place. They would claim that they would surely help improve your website rankings, but nothing is certain.
  • Know that there are low-quality directory listings online. Signing up in all these websites will definitely endanger your website rankings. Trust only verified and trusted website listings.

5 Tools that Will Assist You in Producing Better Blog Posts (Part 1)

Better blog posts are not only possible if you earn a writing skill, but it can be attainable using the right tools with you. Aside from researching what to write, you need to make time in enhancing and refining the scheduled content.

Person Writing on the Notebook

If you want to stand out from the rest, you need to be armed with the tools that will help you succeed. There are countless of options for you to choose from. These tools are just my suggestions and I’m not personally affiliated with them. Try and browse the list below because you might end up liking them.


  • Portent’s Content Idea Generatoris actually a title maker, but it can also give you ideas. This tool isn’t everyone’s first choice. However, if you are just starting blogging, this will give you a good start. Plus, it’s free! So, what’s not to love?
  • For example, you will type in the subject “love songs.” It will suggest “How Love Songs Once Saved the World,” “The Ultimate Guide to Love Songs,” or “9 Best Love Songs of All Time.”
  • Next on the list is Quora. It is a Q & A website that will tell you what the people are asking. You will have an idea what they need in their life. This way, you can provide direct solutions to these problems. If you have an existing product or service that can greatly help, then that’s better! You can use Quora to suggest and recommend your products and services.
  • Reddit is like Quora. You will get a lot of content ideas because it is basically a huge discussion board. People can discuss about anything under the sun. You can even ask fellow Reddit users to evaluate your products. It’s a place for people to give their honest opinions and collaborate with each other.


  • ProofHub is the place for collaboration and project management. Though it is a paid service, they offer a 30-day free trial with access to all its features.
  • The main uses of ProofHub are having: time tracking device, visual time table, calendar, task management tools, discussion boards, group chat, project templates and notes.
  • You see? It’s a tool that has everything you can imagine a team needs. There’s no need for a file to go through a long process of editing and approval. Files are shared to everyone, and all the versions are kept and stored.
  • Dropbox Paperis another useful tool. If Dropbox is an online storage of all your files, then Dropbox Paper serves as an online workspace. A team, wherever and whenever, can freely collaborate.
  • Dropbox Paper, like Dropbox, offers a basic free service. Businesses can opt to upgrade to a larger space with a fee. The basic account can still allow team members to write and edit documents, create concepts, manage project, or even conduct meetings.
  • With Dropbox Paper, team collaboration is better because everything is happening in real-time. There’s no need for one member to wait for another member to arrive at the office. As long as you are conducted to the internet, you can review documents anytime and anywhere.

3 Aspects of a Superior Blog Post (Part 2)

Writing is more than conjuring paragraphs after paragraphs. Sometimes, writing about you want and adding the appropriate images is not enough. Before you click on the publish button, you have think about the delivery of your content, the usefulness of your content, layout of your content, and other factors.

Person Holding Turned-on Silver Laptop Computer

The last time, I talked about the importance of defining your blog’s purpose, knowing your audience, and writing what you know. For the second part, I will discuss on the significance of thorough research, making your own mark, and offering helpful solutions.

  1. Thorough research.
  • Did you know that the Google was initially created to aid academic papers? The creators want to increase citations and backlinks.
  • A great blog post is not just about word choices. It has to have credible sources. You can’t just babble endlessly; you need to present to strong evidences to prove your point.
  • Each post requires an intense research and it should be supported by evidence – no hearsay and rumors. These evidences, whether stats, graphs, quotes, infographics, and surveys, should support what you are writing. Because when you start a rumor mill, you will only prove the absurdity of your points. Thus, no one will believe a word you say, and you eventuality tarnish your credibility.
  1. Do not go with the flow.
  • As what Jerry Spinelli pointed out his best-selling book Stargirl, he reminded the teens of today to go against the current. Dare to be different.
  • Do not follow this post because it’s popular or because it gained thousands of views. Just because everyone is writing about a topic, it does not you should automatically follow.
  • Following everyone else’s suit will just make you generic. When you try to make your plan, you stand out. You become different, and being different is not necessarily a bad thing.
  • Of course, you use other articles as an inspiration, but you need to add your own twist. Give an old topic a brand-new perspective. Look at it with a fresh pair of eyes and approach things differently.
  1. Answer questions and offer solutions.
  • Before the digital era, people would need to go to libraries to find answers. Now, with just one click, we have access to vast online resources.
  • Most of the users search for something because they are looking for answers. They might need help with their homework, their grammar, and their pets. Whether they need to buy shoes for a party, or need movie suggestions over the weekend, offer a solution to whatever problems they have.
  • Offer help because you will never know you will help. When users find your articles relevant, they will follow your brand. Their trust increases and in the future, they will most likely buy from your website.
  • When a blog post does not help, inspire, and connect with other people, then it is not serving a purpose. In short, it’s utterly useless.
Make sure when you readers reach the end of blog post, they will learn, at least, one lesson. Avoid writing thin articles that offer no help at all.

3 Aspects of a Superior Blog Post (Part 1)

I am sure that you have experienced writing a blog post, and then, it went unnoticed. Despite all the effort and research you provided, the blog post did not gain the expected views, shares, and links. Sadly, this situation does happen more often than not. You cannot let this continue because your rankings will suffer.

White Ceramic Mug Between Apple Magic Keyboard and Two Flat Screen Computer Monitors

With that in mind, I am going to talk about the groundwork for producing the top-notch blog post. If you follow these tops, the quality of your posts will become better and raise the bar higher.

  1. Always know the purpose first. 

  • Ask the question WHY? What is the use of this blog post?
  • It is helpful to know the end so that you can go back to the beginning and clearly define your main points.
  • Reflect upon these questions:
    • Is the blog a source of information?
    • Will you talk about certain topics? Will this be more of a commentary blog?
    • Or, is this blog a place where new trends and new technologies start?
  • Once you clearly established the purpose of your blog in general, then, you can proceed to defining each blog post.
    • Is it to gain readers or is it about gaining more email subscribers?
    • Is it here to support another page or are you doing this for social shares?
    • Is this post something news related or is it an evergreen article?

Related: The difference between news articles vs. evergreen articles

  1. Knowing your audience is the next step.

  • Once you are with the purpose, now, you have to define who you are talking to. Of course, if you wish to communicate to the public and give relevant information that will be helpful to everyone, you would NOT fill your posts with jargons and other mechanics.
  • Remember that the blog is not about you. It’s about your audience.
    • Know what they would like to read.
    • Know their concerns and their interests.
    • Know what their problems are. Then, offer solutions that will make their life easier.
  • If you do not know your audience, you will not be able to connect with them. Grab their attention by posting about something they like, and not something YOU like.
  1. Write about a topic you know.

  • When you are knowledgeable about a subject matter, you are definitely qualified to share what you know. If you have NO knowledge about it, then don’t even try.
  • It’s like a singer giving dance tutorials. Your audience would be doubtful of your tips.
  • For you to be an established authority, you need to be an expert, or at least, bear the needed qualifications.
  • Don’t pretend to know a lot about basketball when the truth is you are a soccer player. Your audience will not trust your words. They will surely find another authority to talk about soccer. I’m certain that you would do the same if you are facing the same situation. Am I right?

That ends part 1 of the discussion on the important aspects of a superior quality blog post. Stay tuned for the second part. I will talk about other characteristics such as being able to research well, being original, and being informative.

10 Tips in Writing Better Content

The SEO game now values content more than ever. Writing is an indispensable component if you want more page clicks and better rankings. Like any skill, you need to develop your writing skills too. In the beginning, it can be quite challenging.

Women Holding Space Gray Iphone X and Black Pen

Start with topics you are interested in. Whatever you decide on, your finish product should be comprehensible and succinct. It should be just the right amount to draw readers in your website. So, I decide to make a list of tips on creating better content for your website.

  1. Think of it as casual conversation. When writing online, you can loosen up a bit. This is NOT your thesis dissertation or a college application essay. Just talk to your audience like you would to a friend. Use plain and simple language. There’s no need to impress anyone with your highfalutin words.
  2. Avoid profanity and tactlessness. Just because I recommended the use of plain language, it is not tantamount to writing with a lot of slang words. Keep it clean because public perception matters.
  3. Your words should flow effortlessly. The movement from one sentence to another should be smooth. Organize your content in an orderly manner. Of course, you start with an intro, a body, and then, a conclusion.
  4. Use bullets and numbers. It is helpful to list all your main points. Highlight the most important ones first so that you will make a strong impression. Make sure you get to explain each of your point clearly and precisely.
  5. If you copy, then copy the best ones. I’m not encouraging you to copy articles word for word and letter for letter. Treat other write-ups as inspirations. Add them to your motivation board.
  6. Never stop reading. You won’t be effective as a writer if you don’t read as much. Always make time for reading any printed or online material. Learn the writing language of your icons and influences. Then, add your own twist.
  7. Learn to attract your audience through catchy headlines. Give your headlines a careful thought. Your article is not just the introduction, body, and conclusion because it includes the title, too! Make a good first impression by writing a notable headline.
  8. Make use of headline generators. If you can’t come up with an effective headline, no need to panic because there are numerous headline generators available online. An example would be Sumo’s Kickass Headline Generator, or TheHoth’s Best Free Headline Generator Tool.
  9. Plan your subheadings first before you start writing. Subheadings are a way to give your audience a glimpse of your content. Define what each section contains before you go on writing the important details. This way, you know the scope of each paragraph. The lines and boundaries are clear. Thus, it is guaranteed that whole post will flow smoothly.
  10. Add inspirational quotes and relevant images to your post. We, humans, are visual beings. We like colors, graphs, photos, and videos. It makes things easier to understand. Plus, it brightens a dull and bland page.

That was fast! I hope you learned something today. Writing for online sites is quite different. Web visitors are always in a hurry. So, keep it short and interesting to keep your audience glued to their screens. Lastly, always end the post on a positive note!

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