WWW vs. Non-WWW: Which is Better for Your Website?


For non-tech savvy website owners, the choice between a www or non-www website may seem unimportant. However, this little detail actually affects some aspects of a website, including its SEO.

Some would think that this part isn’t really crucial when creating a website. A WWW website is the traditional setup while a non-WWW address offers a shorter URL.


Just like anything under the sun, both of these options have its upsides and downsides.

The traditional WWW website

Ever since the internet began, WWW is used on all domains. Also, people associate WWW to a website URL. Still, it’s not the main reason why website owners opt for a WWW address.


This choice is related to cookie settings, sub-domains, and other things that may affect the ranking of a website. To make it clearer, here are the pros and cons:


  • Passing cookies to subdomains. If you have a background about site cookies, you’ll know that it’s passed in a hierarchical manner. For example, if you set cookies on your website www.example.com, the cookies will be passed on the subdomains: great.www.example.com and so on.
  • Flexible sub-domains. In terms of DNS, subdomains are more flexible if you have a WWW website. If you don’t have a WWW URL, it would be difficult to come up with a CNAME without messing up the Mail and FTP.


  • A bit ancient. It’s not that WWW is a bad thing but it’s already an old choice. Sure enough, it has great perks but some websites can live without it.


Understanding the non-WWW website

First of all, omitting the WWW on your website address means you’ll have a shorter URL. It’s easier to recall and direct searches would be effortless. Instead of typing www.example.com, you can now truncate it to example.com.


The fact that it’s easier to spell, remember, and type makes it an attractive choice for modern websites. Still, there are some disadvantages to it.


  • Best if you don’t need cookies. Some websites don’t need cookies which make WWW addresses disposable. You can also save some bandwidth if you opt for the non-WWW address.
  • Better ranking. There has been a correlation that a shorter domain equates to better ranking on search results. As much as this isn’t conclusive, websites can benefit from the potential.


  • You can’t restrict cookies. If you opt for a non-WWW address, you can’t restrict the cookies from being passed on to the subdomains. Nevertheless, most websites and blogs will host their content on the same domain which makes it less of an issue.
  • CDN integration needs a lot of work. For those planning to use a content delivery network, it would be challenging to do so in a non-WWW domain. Setting a CNAME in this condition will affect the Mail and FTP which you’ll have to fix.


In the end, both the WWW and non-WWW addresses are beneficial for various applications. As advancements on the web continue, we may soon kiss WWW goodbye. Still, only time knows. But before you choose, make sure that it suits your website’s goals.  


Why Your Rankings Will Suffer Without a Blog

Content is king in SEO which is why almost all businesses would have one on their websites. It’s a major investment but if done right, it can yield worth it SEO results.

The fact that companies invest in content means it’s a highly rewarding venture. And true enough, maintaining a well-structured blog is expected to provide lucrative benefits in the coming years.


But before signing up to the idea of blogging, website owners should realize first that it’s a long-term engagement. Some businesses run blog sections only to realize that they can’t scale up with resources after a few months.

Should I start a blog on my website?

Keyword optimization is a staple in SEO. There’s no other effective way to do this but to use the keywords on well-written page copies.


Also, a blog will help you establish your authority over your niche. Be it fashion, plumbing, e-commerce, finance, etc., there are finite keywords that will link you to your target audience.


Another thing is that a blog page allows you to rank higher on the search results. Aside from the fact that all your competitors are doing it, blogging is an imperative SEO tool.


However, blogging isn’t just about writing expert content for your business. SEO is also in play and you have to do more legwork of optimizing, promoting, and sustaining your rankings on the SERPs.


How does a blog page boost my SEO?

Without a blog, it would be difficult to reach the coveted top spot on the search results. Also, it would be virtually impossible for you to spread brand awareness to your target audience without writing the perfect message.


Remember, not all internet users are searching the web to purchase something. Some of them would be looking for solutions or the answers to their ‘how’, ‘where’, and ‘what’ questions.

If you have the solutions to their queries, you’ll get to push the readers to enter your sales funnel. It happens without them knowing because you have a compelling blog.


From there, you can stir the interest to purchase. And when the reader considers, it will go straight to conversion.


What happens if you decide not to have a blog?

The absence of a blog will save you money and resources but it will also send a massive blow to your rankings. Here’s why:


  • Search engines love great content. If you don’t have blog posts, search engines will have nothing to crawl. That means they won’t perceive you to be an authority on your field. At some point, the crawlers will find it hard to determine your niche.
  • Missing the benefit of link building. Both internal and external links skyrocket your SERP ranking. External links help establish the authority of your website. Meanwhile, the internal links will help your readers explore other parts of your site. In the same vein, there would be more portals to send them to your sales funnel.


It could be intimidating to sign up on blogging, but you will reap the benefits in the long run. Besides, you don’t have to write new content every day. Posting something new every two weeks or monthly can be a good start.


Why SEO is Still Important for Businesses


Search engine optimization encompasses every single industry. From startups, retail stores, and corporations, there’s a constant need to improve a business’ online presence. And this year, the same is still true for all businesses.


But do you really need SEO? For a business that’s a far-cry from tech, it might be a little doubtful if they still need such optimization. But as the internet takes sales by storm, there’s no doubt that practicing ideal SEO strategies is never dead for business owners.


Here’s why SEO is still important for your business:

1.    SEO is directly connected to your sales funnel

A sales funnel is targeted to hook a visitor to the possibility of availing your service or product. But before it happens, that person has to find your website first.


And how would you do it? Search engine optimization. The higher you rank on SERPs, the more clicks and conversion you’ll get.

2.    SEO helps you engage your audience

Ranking at the top of the SERPs imbibes trustworthiness for internet users. True enough, by doing so you surely earned the nod of various search engines.


But aside from reaching the top, SEO is also about sending the right message to your audience. That way, they stay connected to your website.  


3.    SEO gives you the exposure you need

All businesses need exposure to increase their sales. Using optimal SEO strategies and awesome content, you’ll gain the spotlight.


However, this isn’t an easy process and you need an expert to conduct it for you. By targeting the right audience, your business will experience a drastic increase in conversion.


4.    SEO is better than PPCs

As much as SEO and PPC may cost the same, the lasting effect is the determiner. PPC only last for a certain period while SEO will give you lasting effects. Your effort will run for months even after you’ve paid the SEO expert for its service.


5.    SEO pulls in organic traffic

If done right, SEO can pull in traffic to your website by as much as 300% more than social media sites. Also, the moment you rank on top of SERPs, you are guaranteed clicks from thousands of visitors. With high traffic, you can expect better conversion rates.


6.    SEO is in the works 24/7

Unlike PPCs that have expiration periods, SEO works 24/7. Even when you sleep, eat, or daydream, optimal SEO will keep your site on top of the search results.


Your website is open all the time and ready to take in orders or new subscribers.

7.    SEO increases your ROI

For marketers, SEO is proven to yield higher ROI than other paid methods. By optimizing your site for search, it will become a magnet for sales and new patrons.


You should make sure that you target the keywords your customers are searching for. That way, you can lead them directly to your sales funnel.


Regardless if you’re running a startup or a large company, SEO can make a difference in your revenue. But remember that SEO is a long-term strategy that requires consistency and the right techniques.


Which SEO Tasks Should You Do First?


When planning an SEO strategy, it’s quite easy to get lost to the endless tasks needed to be done. The problem with SEO is it’s composed of too many things that it’s hard to decide where to start.  

The rule of thumb is to prioritize SEO tasks that your website needs. As much as everything can be done, not all of it will be beneficial for your website.


By aiming to get dozens of things done at once, we end up accomplishing too little. The frustration it brings will make the situation worse.


Instead of wallowing in confusion, you can easily identify what to do first with the help of experts. Each website will have its unique SEO needs. Here’s how you can start:


Don’t jump into the bandwagon right away

Every year, new SEO recommendations come up. However, some website owners tend to overreact. They ditch their old plan and embrace the latest thing without thinking if it will suit them.


Just because Google says so doesn’t mean you’re going to do it right away. For example, when Google rolled out its mobile-first algorithm, lots of website owners went gaga over it. They started making separate mobile websites and so on.


But the question is this: is mobile traffic really impactful for your website? If not, you can exhaust your energy to other important SEO strategies.


Check the impact of each task

Not everything should be a priority. There’s only so much your dev team can do in a day. The rule of thumb is to start with the basics. Does your site have alt tags, meta description, title tags, and other basic SEO stuff?


By checking what’s holding back your site, you can identify what needs to be done first. Sure, canonicalization is a crucial task but that can wait until you’ve settled the little bits and bobs included on basic SEO.


Consider your resources

It can be exciting for a website owner to implement as much SEO strategies as possible. However, you should also check if you have the resources to perform the task.


Do you have someone to manage it? Can you acquire the tools to get it done? If not, you can write it down lower on your list.


For example, if you need fresh content, check if someone in your team can write, edit, manage, and publish these outputs.


Align it with your business goals

This one can go without saying since all SEO efforts are targeted to improve your business’ footing. You can have SEO recommendations that will make an ideal SEO plan but not one that will improve your ROI.


You may like the idea of creating more content but it may not be the pressing need your business currently has. Content is king in SEO, but it may not fit the goals of your business at this very moment.


It’s easy to fall prey on the sweet SEO recommendations. The key is to understand your objectives in contrast with what you’ll get from implementing a certain strategy.


At some point, many of us got obsessed with the idea of getting all things done. However, this will just exhaust your team and your precious resources. It’s important to prioritize so nothing will be put to waste.

The SEO Mistakes You Could be Making in 2019


SEO is a multi-faceted method. It’s also ever-changing which requires constant upgrades and knowledge of the latest algorithms. Failing is somewhat inevitable, but you can reduce the blow if you know some pitfalls you may encounter this 2019.

A mistake often goes unnoticed in SEO. Only when the results are obvious that the website owner will recognize that’s something is wrong. Some are easy to fix while others will need the help of the experts.


To give you an idea, here are some of the common mistakes you might commit to your SEO:

1.    You publish ‘thin’ content

Just imagine your pages as a sandwich spread. The thinner the filling gets, the blander the taste will be. But if you’ll concentrate the spread in the middle, it will be tastier and fulfilling to eat.


Thin content is a prevalent issue among big websites. For the sake of producing content, poor pages are published. In this case, Google crawlers perceive the poorly constructed page as thin content. This is bad news for your SEO.

2.    You let broken links linger

You should fix broken pages as soon as possible, especially if there are backlinks pointing to it. These 404/401 pages aren’t healthy for the internet and it’s also not a good thing for your website.


If we’re going to talk the language of the web, a page is non-existent until another page links to it. But if Google crawls this page and finds out it’s directing to a broken page, it will piss the crawlers. Search engines don’t like wasting their resources and time.

3.    You use poor keywords

The problem with keyword search and usage nowadays is that many marketers don’t really understand what competition is. The use of keywords should be based on your domain authority.


For example, if your domain authority is less than 30, experts recommend that you target keywords with monthly searches fewer than 100. You have to learn the basics before taking the ranks of bigger websites.


The rule of thumb: always target low competition keywords and start from there.

4.    There are duplicate content on your site

Somewhat related to thin content, duplicate content is usually a way of website owners to optimize the same keyword for multiple pages. However, this will also lead to keyword cannibalization which isn’t something Google wants.


Duplicate content won’t just affect certain pages. It can also jeopardize your entire site if you keep using it as a way to over-optimize certain phrases.


The solution? Take time to write fresh content with different keywords.

5.    You make things complicated

Most SEO newbies would over-complicate their efforts with the hope that they can gain organic traffic in the least possible time. But remember that Google can spot a forced way to gain its ranking favor.


Let’s take this example: your poorly constructed website gets 150 backlinks in just five months. For such a small and thin site, that number of backlinks can raise an eyebrow.


Remember, backlinks aren’t the only way to get traffic. You have to focus on the bigger picture and improve the quality of the content your site offers. One by one, test your SEO strategies and work your way from there.


The battle of SEO vs. PPC


When talking about digital marketing, there’s this never-ending argument about which is best: SEO or PPC? While many say that PPC isn’t the best choice, both have its advantages if used properly.

SEO has a lasting effect but it takes time to see the results. In contrast, PPC offers an instant result but it won’t last as long as SEO does. To help you gauge what you actually need, we’ve listed the pros and cons of SEO and PPC here.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It works like planting a seed on the field. In this metaphor, the seeds are strategies like metadata, keyword optimization, content, and multimedia.


It will take time for the seeds to grow. But when it does, it will bear fruits for the years to come. Still, it requires a lot of work and maintenance than merely watering the roots.

It’s imperative for all websites to perform SEO efforts to have a good standing on the search results. If not, their pages will be virtually non-existent.


  • Excellent ROI. You can do it yourself or pay a reasonable amount so an expert will manage all the SEO needs of your website. In fact, SEO can bring in 300% more traffic to your site than using social media accounts alone.
  • Lasting effect. Like what’s mentioned earlier, SEO has a longer effect compared to a PPC campaign.
  • Free if you can do it on your own. Thanks to the abundant resources on the web, you can perform SEO efforts on your own.


  • Learning curve. SEO isn’t as easy as installing WordPress to your hosting account. It takes patience and knowledge to see actual results.
  • Difficult to master. SEO is a very technical method and it takes years to master. If you really want to become an SEO whiz, basic knowledge about coding is required.

What is PPC?

PPC or Pay Per Click is a paid advertising campaign. SEO advocates dismiss this to be costly and less effective than SEO. Still, the fact that it can show an ad based on the keywords internet users search is priceless.


Besides, if it’s not an effective method, large websites won’t pay for it. The good thing about PPC campaigns is the instant result. The moment you run it, the results will be visible.


  • Easy to learn. Unlike SEO, PPC is way easier to master. Although it’s not a piece of cake, it takes less work than doing search optimization. In fact, there are Google professionals that will help you set up your PPC campaigns.
  • Highly scalable. The more you pay the more scalable your PPC campaign becomes. For best results, always target the highly searched keywords while adjusting your budget.


  • You have to pay for it. Don’t get me wrong. It’s not bad to pay for clicks but you have the option not to if you opt for SEO.
  • Lower ROI. Since this is a short-term solution, the ROI is definitely lower compared to SEO. Also, when you stop paying, the ROI also stops.


Depending on what you need, both SEO and PPC can be champ marketing methods. But for those who know the ins and outs of these options, blending it together will yield unbeatable results.


SEO Strategies to Consider for 2019


Search engine optimization is an ever-changing field. What worked two years ago won’t be the best methods today. And with 2019 rolling in, you have to ensure that your top spot on the SERPs remains solid.

It’s a fact that the top result will get more exposure, clicks, and conversions. So when it comes to optimizing your website, you need to use the latest techniques on your sleeves.


SEO can become confusing and a pain to do. But if you want to earn the coveted spot in the search results, consider these five strategies this 2019:


  1. Focus on making your site mobile-friendly

Last year, Google rolled out its mobile-first indexing algorithm. What does this mean? It means that their crawlers will give more ranking favor to sites that are optimized for mobile.

Mobile compatibility also increases conversions due to the improved user experience. With more and more internet users opting for mobile devices, a mobile-friendly website has a lot of perks.


You can choose a separate mobile website, a responsive design, or an adaptive design. All of these come with a few pros and cons.


  1. Don’t forget the image type

Humans are visual beings which is why images are timeless elements in ranking a website. About 28% of SERPs contain images due to the fact that internet users want more elements that they can see.


However, you should pay attention to the image type you’re using. Basically, you have three options: JPEG, PNG, and GIF.


JPEG is the most common and widely used format since it’s compatible across all devices. Meanwhile, PNG is a little bit on the newer side which means there could be compatibility issues on the side of the users.


Lastly, the GIF format has become a craze. Still, it’s a bit limited on the colors and size.


  1. Speed is the name of the game

Time and again, website speed dictates whether a visitor will stay or close the tab. And in 2018, Google has finally recognized website speed as a ranking factor.


You can create Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) to make sure that you have an edge on mobile speed. Also, Google crawlers like the use of AMP since it speeds up the delivery of content to the visitors of your site.


  1. Consider hreflang implementation

If your website is designed to be accessed in multiple languages, you have to exploit hreflang implementation. Some think that this is redundant, but there might times that Google crawlers may find it hard to sort your pages.


With hreflang tags, your website adjusts its preferences based on the location and language from where it’s accessed. It’s crucial to display accurate content for your international audience.


  1. Pay attention to your XML sitemap

Creating an XML sitemap isn’t a hard task. Also, submitting it to Google makes it easier for the search engine to crawl your pages. A plugin in WordPress lets you generate a downloadable XML sitemap.


When creating a sitemap, don’t include pages you’ve blocked with the robot.txt file. In the case of very large websites, you should include your best pages that are well-ranked and well-constructed.


These are just some of the crucial strategies that you should apply on your website. SEO algorithms are constantly changing. But if you know how to keep up, optimizing your site should be easier.


SEO Blogging Mistakes You Are Probably Making


In the midst of the changing Google algorithms, one thing is constant: the value of great content. This is why website owners run blog pages as an effort to optimize keywords and boost their site’s ranking.

However, there are times when great content won’t rank. As much as a well-written post is ideal, it’s not a black and white concept when it comes to optimization.


Many of us tend to get lost in the paradigms of SEO. On the course of diving deep to advanced strategies, many lose sight of the basics.


Yet you wonder: why is your stellar content not ranking well? Here are some of the possible pitfalls:


1.    Inconsistency on your internal links

Internal linking is a simple yet very important aspect of optimizing your pages. It provides your readers with a path to explore other parts of your website. In addition, it increases the crawl rate and helps spread ‘link juice’.


The rule of thumb is to use three to five internal links for every post. But this isn’t just about linking per se. You should link high-performing pages to other posts so you get to distribute the authority on your website.


2.    Not thinking about user intent

Keyword optimization is one of the gold standards of SEO. However, not all digital marketers understand its full potential. Remember, keywords are the bridges that connect you to your audience. If this isn’t something they’ll search for, your content won’t get organic traffic.


Actionable phrases and long-tail keywords that start with how, when, what, where, and why are the optimal options.


3.    You don’t optimize videos and images

You might be too caught up on improving your written content that you end up neglecting images and videos on your website.


Without your knowledge, unoptimized media content can lead to loading issues. You’ll also miss the chance to add the media content to your SEO plan.


Always use image formats like JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Also, use your keywords as alt text. This is very easy to do even if you’re new to SEO.  


4.    You write for search engines, not your readers

The biggest mistake you’ll ever do on your blog is not writing for your readers. Yes, you want to impress the crawlers, but it will be nothing if no one reads your content.


Keep the language light and easy to understand. Most of all, write something that your readers will find interesting and of value.


Also, remember that internet users have short attention spans. With this, you should improve the ‘first impression’ your readers get once they lay eyes on your page copy.  


5.    There’s no solid content promotion plan

So you hit the publish button and then what? You shouldn’t expect your exquisite content to be a traffic magnet just because it’s well-written. You have to do more work for it to get noticed.


Contact influencers and ask niche experts to share your content. You can also create an infographic that you can post on social sites like Pinterest and Instagram.


However, you shouldn’t just shoot blindly. Target the right audience to earn a reasonable ROI.

Blogging can be technical when SEO comes along. Still, it will be a worthwhile task if you know what to avoid.


How to Use Your Blog to Improve SEO

Almost every company would have a blog nowadays. Besides, it’s an SEO staple and an ideal way to optimize profitable keywords.

However, not all website owners understand the full potential of blogging. For some, it’s just about writing content, packing it with the best keywords, and hitting the publish button.

But in the bigger picture, there’s more to it than merely mere page copies.


If you want to use your blog as a powerful SEO tool, here are some of the tips you can follow:


  1. Write for a specific audience

When you write your blog posts, target a specific segment of your audience. This way, each of your posts will be valuable across your readers.


If you’re selling a specific service, say finance planning, you can write separate posts targeting companies and individual clients.  


Make sure that you use keywords that your readers are likely to search for. At all cost, offer content that has solutions and not just pure sales copy.


  1. Come up with an awesome blog name

Yes, you have a blog, but it doesn’t have to be named as plain as “Blog”. Come up with a creative name to tickle the interest of your readers.


If you’re not a fan of witty blog names, you can simply use your keywords. For example, if you have a business website for your appliance repair shop, you can name your blog as The Appliance Expert Blog


You can include the keyword on the page title of your blog. This way, you can pull in more traffic.


  1. Optimize your content

If you have a blog for some years now, you can repurpose your content to boost your SEO. You can extend the content and look for additional on-page strategies you can implement.


Make sure that you add internal links on your blog posts to spread the authority of your high-performing pages.


Also, you can review the title tags and description of your posts to ensure that your keywords are well-optimized.


  1. Fix your URL structure

As much as possible, your blog posts should be easy to find. But what if your blog page’s URL is too long to fit on the address bar?


The rule of thumb is to make the URLs of your posts descriptive, short, and simple. You can also use your keywords for added optimization.


Spare the conjunctions, linking verbs, and prepositions. Remember, Google loves short addresses and it also has a correlation to a website’s ranking.


  1. Use images and videos

Aside from your great content, you should also add videos and images related to your topic. Humans are visual beings and their attention spans are too short for plain text.


You can create a video about your content so the readers will have an option to watch it instead of skimming through the long text. Also, images can be infographics that will add a sparkle to your page copy.


Lastly, make sure that you place necessary alt tags on your multimedia content.


As you see, a website’s blog is a powerful SEO tool. If you do it right, the blog will yield better SEO results in no time.


7 Reasons Your Small Business Should Invest in SEO This Year


As much as SEO brings in a lot of sales opportunities to business, not all owners are interested in investing in it. They are more bent on spending their precious dollars on improving their brand, buying that new office chair, or just saving it for whatever its worth.

For those who own a business website, it’s imperative to perform SEO. If not, your pages won’t get to see the light of day. It’s nothing but a chocolate teapot on the web.

Every year, SEO strategies change. But the hard work is worth it for small business. Here’s why:


1.    SEO is the main source of organic traffic

Organic search is the major source of website traffic. And how will you enjoy organic search? It’s when your website is seen on search results. In short, you need SEO to outrank your competitors. In fact, 51% of website traffic comes from organic search and only 5% from social.


2.    The results are long-term

Performing SEO on your business website is like planting a seed. It will take time to grow but you will reap the fruits longer. Just to show you the bigger picture, new websites will take 6 months up to a year to see actual results. It’s a long wait but totally worth it.


3.    SEO can be affordable than PPC

If we’re going to talk about a six-month goal, SEO is way affordable than relying on PPC alone. Besides, only 10% of traffic comes from paid search which is smaller than what SEO can bring. Sure, PPC campaigns offer instant results. However, it’s only as good as your ability to pay.


4.    It will improve your audience’s trust

Ranking on top of the search results gives a subliminal message to your audience that your business is trustworthy. Also, the fact that you earned the trust of search engines is a big plus for your website. You’ll also become the authority in your niche.


5.    You can get more customers

When you get more exposure to your target audience, the more customers you’ll get. Top searches get the most clicks which are directly related to conversions. However, keeping your leads hook is another story. You should send the right message at the right time.


6.    Better ROI

When traffic is higher, there’s a high chance that it will include quality leads. Remember, 40% of business revenue is related to organic search. Regardless if you have a small or large company, SEO will do wonders on your sales. Besides, the benefits of SEO last for long.


7.    It will open up new opportunities

If done right, SEO can bring more opportunities to your business. The increase in sales may lead to expansion and a bigger brand. Once you make a mark on your customers, they will share your brand and you can expect more ROI in the coming years.


An inbound marketing plan wouldn’t be complete without an SEO strategy. Besides, all businesses will benefit from the right SEO techniques. And with patience, the results will be worth the investment.


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